Verhofstadt says allowing individuals freedom to travel and voting in European elections should be a priority.
Church of England leader claimed a second EU referendum would add to divisions in the UK.
A report from the House of Lords has suggested that ending free movement may not cut immigration numbers.
UK foreign secretary urged the Kremlin to change its ways as he plans to visit Moscow.
The Lords are placing themselves at odds with public opinion, and are risking the survival of their House.
EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee also said immigration may not drop after the UK splits from the bloc.
Exiting the EU Committee also wants the government to protect the 1.2m Britons on the continent.
European Commission has vowed to continue talks with the US administration to end the dispute.
TV executive says his industry needs a 'real diversity of voices' ahead of Brexit talks.
Business body issues call to Theresa May just weeks before the PM plans to invoke Article 50.
Theresa May is expected to restrict the rights of EU migrants who arrive after 15 March, 2017.
Britain must fulfil the commitments it was involved in making, the European Commission president said.
The leader of France's National Front is expected to come first in April polls.
If he wanted to help, he would be addressing other EU leaders, rather than British voters, who despise him.
On every single issue involving Europe he has proved miserably, embarrassingly wrong.
Foreign secretary urged UK voters to "rise up" and turn off their TVs next time Blair appears.
Former UK prime minister urged pro-EU voters across Britian to 'rise up' in central London speech.
The Canadian prime minister addressed MEPs in Strasbourg, France on 16 February.
Mayor of London promised to fight for 'favourable' access to the EU's single-market.
Not a single amendment to the bill was passed.
Nick Clegg claims MPs may be forced to choose between 'bad deal or no deal at all'.
The PM earlier warned MPs not to 'obstruct the democratically expressed wishes of the British people'.