> EU
EU backs GMO opt-out for member states
Individual EU nations will be able to ban cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops under a compromise deal agreed on Tuesday (January 13) that ends years of deadlock over the barbed issue and could actually boost GM farming.
Germany's Angela Merkel is afraid of one thing - and it's not David Cameron
Merkel will meet with Cameron for one-on-one talks during a visit to the UK on 7 January.
Britons use 10% less electricity thanks to low power light bulbs and vacuum cleaners
A report from BBC News shows people used 10% less energy than five years ago.
EU's Mogherini detects some 'willingness' from Russia to resolve Ukraine conflict
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said on Wednesday (December 17) she and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko had detected some signs of greater willingness from Russia to resolve the crisis in Ukraine's separatist eastern territories."We shared the impression that there might be some elements that could make us think that there might be some more willingness to solve the conflict on the Russian side, on President Putin's side. But we also share the fact, the evaluation of the fact that we've gone through similar feelings or similar impressions other times in the last months," Mogherini said in Kiev adding that "what counts is not the expression of willingness, is the real willingness and the real capacity to deliver on the Minsk agreement."
EU companies to suffer €2.5bn losses from South Stream project cancellation
Italy-based ENI's subsidiary Saipem will suffer biggest loss at €2bn.
European Court of Justice bans 'gay tests' for asylum seekers
EU states will not be allowed to test asylum seekers on their sexuality.
Tories fear haemorrhage of support to Ukip after Cameron's self-inflicted wound over EU
Cameron's mismanagement of the immigration issue has thrust EU relations further into the spotlight.
Climate change: emissions talks heat up as global leaders meet in Peru
Climate delegates have met in Peru to discuss a global pact on cutting emissions.
HSBC Touts Australia as UK's Stepping Stone to China
An HSBC conference call also highlighted opportunities for infrastructure build-out down under.
EU Regulators Want 'Right to be Forgotten' Ruling Extended to Google.com
Regulators in Brussels say search engines should extend EU internet privacy ruling to all websites globally
Pope Francis Calls for Development of Green Energy at EU Parliament
Pontiff urges lawmakers in Strasbourg to foster human dignity promoting policies that create jobs.
Israeli PM Netanyahu Warns of 'Grave Mistake' if France Recognizes a Palestinian State
Netanyahu said recognising a Palestinian State would be wrong at a time of political turmoil and violence in the Middle East.
UK Employers Plan to Expand into European Union Despite Calls for Brexit
The REC says UK companies have been growing and expanding their workforces throughout 2014.
UK leaving the EU would be 'a disaster', warns Italian Prime Minister Renzi
Matteo Renzi says EU needs investment from the UK.
Cameron Compared to French Far-Right Leader Over 'Completely Crazy' Stance on £1.7bn EU Tax Bill
David Cameron compared to far-right leader Marine Le Pen for 'nationalistic' refusal to pay EU back payments.
Germany Narrowly Avoids Plunging into Recession
The German economy grew by just 0.1% in the third quarter of 2014
EU Referendum: Sir John Major Warns Germany There's a 50% Chance of a 'Brexit'
The former Prime Minister warns if the negotiations go badly that percentage will rise.
EU Referendum: 1,000 UK Business Leaders Back In/Out Vote and Renegotiation with Brussels
The announcement comes after George Osborne claimed to have 'halved' the UK's EU tax bill.
Parliament Debates Whether to Concede Law and Order Powers to the EU
European Arrest Warrant allows swift extradition between EU countries.
EU Tax Bill: David Cameron Warns 'Major Problem' with Brussels if Conditions Are Not Met
The UK Prime Minister says he will not pay the surcharge on 1 December and wants it reduced
Lux Leaks: Jean-Claude Juncker Facing Credibility Crisis After Latest Luxembourg Tax Avoidance Scandal
EU Commission President Juncker was Prime Minister of Luxembourg for 18 years until 2013.
Pepsi, Ikea and Hundreds of Companies 'Reducing Global Tax Under Secret Luxembourg Deals'
Leaked documents revealed by ICIJ expose more than 300 multinationals also including FedEx, AIG and Deutsche Bank.
Immigration's Inconvenient Truth? UCL Study Says Nothing About UK Immigration and Low Pay
Immigrants pay more in to UK economy than they take out, but many think they drive down pay.
PS Plus Line-Up December and January Sneak Peek Reveals Injustice Gods Among Us For PS4
Injustice Gods Among: Ultimate Edition is PS4's first free big budget PS Plus title.
EU Aims to Create Palestinian State in 5 Years says Top Diplomat
Top EU Diplomat Federica Mogherini unveils her plans ahead of her visit to Jerusalem and Gaza
Berlin Wall Crosses Stolen to Protest EU Border Deaths
Activists hope to draw attention to EU's 'murderous exterior walls' that have claimed thousands of lives.
EU Immigration Row: Germany Confirms It Won't Negotiate on Migrant Law with UK
Chancellor Angela Merkel is the latest EU politician to be against UK's immigration curb plans
Ukraine Crisis: Rebel Election Winner Zakharchenko Claims 'Donetsk People's Republic Voted for Independence and Prosperity'
Rebel leader Igor Plotnisky expected to win vote in restive region of Luhansk
EU Successfully Brokers Winter Gas Deal Between Russia and Ukraine
Russia will supply Ukraine with gas over the winter months.
Scottish Devolution: UK Will Vote As One With Regards to Staying in EU, Says David Cameron
The Scottish National Party had wanted the home nations to vote separately