> EU
Cameron Hints at Referendum on UK's Relationship with Europe
Prime Minister David Cameron did not suggest holding immediate referendum, but acknowledged real choice of the people should be upheld.
EU Summit: Growth Package Gets Nod as Italy and Spain Gain Support [VIDEO]
European leaders agree to take action against spiralling borrowing costs of Spain and Italy.
Iran Urges EU to Reconsider Sanctions as Deadline Approaches
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi seeks more engagement than confrontation with the EU.
Greece: Finance Minister Vassilis Rapanos Quits Citing Ill Health
Vassilis Rapanos would have been a key negotiator with EU officials on bailout terms.
Greeks' Choice of Pro-Bailout Party Gives Hope to Eurozone [VIDEO]
New Democracy secures 29 percent of the vote. Victory expected to give crucial economic and fiscal reforms a chance.
Greeks Vote in Key Elections Over Fate of Eurozone Membership
The voters were less enthusiastic and evidently frustrated at the current situation.
Greeks Set to Vote in Make-or-Break Election
Coalition government is likely to be formed after the elections with the help of small parties in the race.
Greek Elections: Anti-bailout Syriza and Conservative New Democracy in Close Fight
Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras has been tirelessly campaigning against the initiatives put forth by other European leaders.
Eurozone Crisis Killing UK Recovery, Says Osborne
Labour's Ed Balls says blaming the eurozone crisis is a mere excuse as France and Germany have managed to avoid recession.
Syria and Trade to Top the EU-Russia Summit
EU officials are likely to put more pressure on Putin for tougher actions against Syria.
Man and Dog Die in Flash Flood as Met Office Issues Fresh Flood Warnings after Wettest April Claims Life
Car swept away in fast-flowing waters as man tried to drive across ford in Hampshire wood.
Heathrow Immigration Queue Fiasco Raises Further Concerns
The recent incidents at Heathrow, concerning lengthy queues for immigration checks, have raised further concerns about the state of readiness London is in, given that the 2012 Olympics are only three months away.
Glamour in Sports: Hot Girlfriends of F1 Stars [SLIDESHOW]
Glamour in Sports: Hot Girlfriends of F1 Stars [SLIDESHOW]
Volcker Rule Can Impair Government Bond Market: UK DMO Chief
The government bond markets could be weakened by July after the implementation of "Volcker Rule" in the U.S., said the Head of the U.K.'s Debt Management Office (DMO) on Monday.
Athens Erupts in Violence over Suicide of Austerity Victim
Retired pharmacist opts for 'dignified end before 'being forced to search trash for food' and 1,500 riot on streets.
Syria: EU to Impose Sanctions on Asma al-Assad
The EU sanctions might put a ban on her travel to the UK where she was born and brought up.
Greece Misses Deadline Again on Austerity Deal
Brussels meeting with European Bank president Mario Draghi and Olli Rehn, EU finance commissioner, scrapped.