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Stock markets recover further on easing bank fears

Asian and European stock markets mostly rose Friday, extending a global rally, as traders welcomed a multi-billion-dollar show of support for troubled banks aimed at soothing concerns about contagion in the sector.

Bank of England weighs up ending its rate hike run

The Bank of England must decide next week whether to halt its long run of interest rate hikes or push them up again, probably for one last time, despite investor alarm over how banks in the United States and Europe are coping with higher borrowing costs.

Europe's rebound wanes ahead of ECB rate decision

A rebound in Europe's battered banking shares was beginning to wane on Thursday, as a 50 billion Swiss franc ($53.94 billion) lifeline for beleaguered lender Credit Suisse teed up a pivotal European Central Bank interest rate decision.

In EU, a food fight over nutrition labels

Europe is taking longer than planned to concoct an EU-wide food-labelling system after a colour-coded scheme created in France did not go down well in culinary rival Italy.
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