> Eurozone
Asian Markets Cautious as European Ministers Meet
China's Shanghai index down 0.25 percent opening after a week-long holiday while Hang Seng falls 0.60 percent and KOSPI 0.64 percent.
David Cameron May Veto EU Budget to Safeguard UK Interests
David Cameron also speaks of separate budget for countries like Britain, which are outside the single currency.
France Budget 2013: Heavy Taxes Imposed on Rich and Corporates
Budget prefers to tax the rich to raise resources rather than resort to spending cuts to plug the €30 bn hole in country's finances.
France Budget: Rich and Corporate Sector Face Tax Blows
Middle and working classes to be spared heavy taxes and crushing spending cuts.
Spain to Cut Pensions and Hike Taxes Despite Protests [VIDEO]
Protesters say people are already reeling under hikes and cuts introduced in July.
Greece Braces Itself for Strike and Protests over Austerity Measures
The 24-hour nationwide strike is likely to bring normal life to a halt as almost all sections of society have thrown in their lot with the unions.
Dutch Elections: Liberal Prime Minister Mark Rutte Wins Close Contest [VIDEO]
Dutch electorate rejects Eurosceptic and anti-immigration parties in a closely contested election fought on austerity and eurozone rescue measures.
Moody's Keeps EU AAA Rating, Changes Outlook to Negative
Moody's says EU's negative outlook is due to its key budget contributors.
Greek Restaurant Offering Single Bottle of Champagne For €120,000
Reports claim an Arab guest has already ordered a bottle.
Citigroup Raises Chances of Grexit to 90%
Citi also expects Britain to lose its AAA rating over the next two to three years due to the continued economic weakness.
Cameron Hints at Referendum on UK's Relationship with Europe
Prime Minister David Cameron did not suggest holding immediate referendum, but acknowledged real choice of the people should be upheld.
EU Summit: Growth Package Gets Nod as Italy and Spain Gain Support [VIDEO]
European leaders agree to take action against spiralling borrowing costs of Spain and Italy.
Greece: Finance Minister Vassilis Rapanos Quits Citing Ill Health
Vassilis Rapanos would have been a key negotiator with EU officials on bailout terms.
G20 Welcomes China's Promise on Transparent Currency Policy [VIDEO]
For long China has kept its remnimbi undervalued in order to undercut competitors in the export market. Now that policy could ease up.
Asian Markets and Euro Surge after Greek Election Results [VIDEO]
Japan's Nikkei, Hong Kong's Hang Seng, South Korea's Kospi and China's Shanghai Composite all edged up.
Greeks' Choice of Pro-Bailout Party Gives Hope to Eurozone [VIDEO]
New Democracy secures 29 percent of the vote. Victory expected to give crucial economic and fiscal reforms a chance.
Greeks Vote in Key Elections Over Fate of Eurozone Membership
The voters were less enthusiastic and evidently frustrated at the current situation.
Euro or Drachma? Greeks Set to Decide on the Fate of Single Currency
The crucial Greek vote will set the stage for the country's continuation or exit from the single currency zone.
Greeks Set to Vote in Make-or-Break Election
Coalition government is likely to be formed after the elections with the help of small parties in the race.
Greek Elections: Anti-bailout Syriza and Conservative New Democracy in Close Fight
Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras has been tirelessly campaigning against the initiatives put forth by other European leaders.
Greek Election Will Seal Fate of Global Economy [VIDEO]
Central banks across world are reportedly preparing to infuse liquidity in the financial system in case there is turmoil in the markets.
Markets and Euro Surge after Spain's Bank Deal [VIDEO]
The MSCI Asia Pacific index, Hong Kong's Hang Seng and China's Shanghai Composite index all witnessed rises.
Mariano Rajoy Shies Away from Calling EU Bailout 'Rescue'
The Spanish prime minister projected the bank bailout as a step towards fixing the ailing economy, while speaking to reporters in Madrid.
Spanish Bank Bailout Agreed, EU to Lend up to €100bn
Eurozone finance ministers agree to lend up to €100bn to clean up Spain's banking sector burdened by bad debts and property bubble burst.
Eurozone Crisis: Angela Merkel Urges Gradual Political Union for Eurozone
Prime Minister David Cameron pledged to protect Britain's interest in the eurozone.
Moody’s Downgrades Seven German and Three Austrian Banks
Moody's rating cut of German banks comes as a surprise to many analysts considering the resilience of the German banking system.
G7 to Hold Emergency Talks on Eurozone crisis, Spain Tops Agenda
Spain's fate in the euro area would top the agenda of discussions at the G7 emergency conference call.
EU and ECB Want Urgent Action over Euro Survival
Political and financial officials seek clear vision and policy action from Europe's leaders to save the single currency.
Euro Drops against Dollar and Yen: What would be the Future of Single Currency after G8?
Euro is treading in negative territory due to concerns of Greece crisis contagion.
Moody’s Downgrade 16 Spanish Banks, Bonds Hit
Spanish banks downgraded by Moody's in view of the continued unemployment and recession.