> feminism
Bag a Slag Night: Is This Alternative Valentine's Day Event Empowering to Women?
A Nottingham pub has been forced to close because it promoted a "Bag a Slag" Valentine's Day speed dating event.
Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines Song Reborn as West End Stage Play
Carrie Cracknell theatre production will be 'blistering journey through gender politics'.
Keira Knightley Wants More Female Lead Roles
Hollywood actress says feminism no longer a dirty word but more female roles needed.
Femen UK: Topless Feminist Leader Inna Shevchenko to Give 'Advice' to the Queen
Feminist activists launch 'armed wing' against prostitution, Muslim extremism, and FGM.
Nigella Lawson: Feminism Makes Women Feel Guilty and Affects Cooking Skills
Lawson has stated that feminism ultimately made them feel guilty about being by the stove.
Jonas Brothers Cancel Tour Due to 'Deep Rift Within the Band'
The Jonas Brothers have canceled all 19 of their shows.