> feminism
Gender equality: Only 13% of executive directors in Europe's capital markets are female
More than half of capital markets companies had between 0% and 15% women on their executive committees.
Milo Yiannopoulos is the infuriating poster boy of white privilege
White men are now somehow second-class citizens, despite earning the most money and having the best jobs.
Taylor Swift: Camille Paglia calls Bad Blood singer a 'Nazi Barbie'
Camille Paglia expressed her opinion about Taylor Swift and the trend of girl squad.
#HackAHairDryer: How to get more women in tech and science without condescending to us
I hope this epic hashtag fail doesn't stop IBM reaching out to women who would be excited to join their ranks.
Equal Pay Day: The motherhood penalty and other reasons we are still far from wage equality in 2015
Introducing fees for employment tribunals has hit women harder - and women are punished if they start a family
Equal Pay Day: Analysis reveals the 'pay gap' is not really a gap at all
Women between the ages of 22-39 are now earning more than their male counterparts.
Canada's feminist PM Justin Trudeau appoints 50% women to his cabinet
The new prime minister had to choose from among 143 men and 50 women Liberal MPs to form the gender-equal cabinet.
New British passport: Women being underrepresented is not the natural order of things
The new British passport design has been revealed — and criticised for only featuring two women
Latest UK passport design criticised for featuring just two women
Only Ada Lovelace and Elizabeth Scott are celebrated alongside seven men.
Melanie Richards: KPMG vice-chair urges realism about board gender targets
EXCLUSIVE: Richards tells IBTimes UK about the 30% Club's progress in getting more women on boards.
Zane Alchin: Australian charged over rape threats after slut-shaming Drake lyrics Tinder screenshot
The 25-year-old was charged with 'using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence'.
UAE imprisoning hundred of women for extramarital sex
Of the hundreds imprisoned, many are rape victims and pregnant.
Canada's feminist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau targets GamerGate in anti-misogyny call to action
New Canadian PM is a proud feminist and cites GamerGate movement as something society must rally against.
Sandi Toksvig's Women's Equality Party is a middle-class ladies' campaign group doomed to fail
Oxbridge-educated Toksvig is privileged enough to be able to ignore that class inequality is a feminist issue.
Women's Equality Party policy document tackles violence, unequal pay and political imbalance
WEP launches first policy document saying 'We are not a special interest party, we are half the population.'
Playboy: 10 biggest moments in the magazine's history
Following Hugh Hefner's death, we count down the most shocking covers in his iconic magazine's history.
Women in business: Interactive map shows which countries score highest for female representation
Interactive map from GMAC shows how women are represented in business around world.
Bic, Snickers and Dove: Companies need reminding that women aren't stupid
Companies jumping on the feminist bandwagon better be prepared to follow through.
Gender pay gap: Men more likely to expect pay rise within a year
In the FTSE 100, 25% of board members are female but women are still missing from higher executive positions.
Gaza War one year on: 'We Palestinians need more than your prayers'
A Palestinian journalist recalls the 2014 conflict in Gaza and the scars that remain.
Femicide protests: How prevalent is violence against women in Argentina?
Protesters in Argentina demonstrated against violence against women across the Latin American country.
US women clamour for female Viagra, rip sexist drug panel
Flibanserin, has been rejected twice by the FDA
Five reasons prehistoric women had it better than us
Sadly, it seems earliest women actually had a fairer life than we enjoy today.
Cannes 2015: High heels are the Achilles' heel of feminism
Women were turned away from film screenings at the Cannes Film Festival 2015 for not wearing high heels.
Why are career women still paying the motherhood penalty?
Motherhood still accounts for huge disparities in pay and disparity, and it's inexcusable.
Election 2015: Sandi Toksvig launches Women's Equality Party
TV broadcaster Sandi Toksvig is helping to create a new political party focusing on gender inequality.
Women in Saudi Arabia: Western feminists won't save us - their bullying ignorance reduces us to mere hymens
'McFeminist' culture doesn't understand Saudi Arabia and its efforts to help Arab women do more harm than good.
Beach Body Ready protest: We need to give control of the female body back to women
A mass protest has been planned in Hyde Park over Protein World's sexist Are You Beach Body Ready advert.
Election 2015: Compulsory sex and relationships education can help end violence against women
IBTimes UK looks at issues affecting women during the general election campaign
Voting feminist: A century after women's suffrage, why are we refusing to cast our ballot?
Ahead of the general election on 7 May, IBTimes UK examines why women are failing to vote.