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Game Review
Celeste review: A challenging platformer about mental health and perseverance
Celeste is a game about climbing a mountain and a whole lot more, from TowerFall creator Matt Thornson.
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds review: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
A mod of a mod turned into PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds: A revolutionary shooter experience that shocked the industry and shook up a genre that looked set in its ways.
Shadow of the Colossus review: A masterpiece is given new life on PS4
Shadow of the Colossus is a simple game of enormous scope. It's a masterpiece that even 13 years on remains a singular, remarkable experience.
Call of Duty WW2 review: COD returns to its roots with a pleasantly surprising campaign
Activision's money-spinning juggernaut returns to World War 2 for the first time in nine years, with Sledgehammer Games in charge of development.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 review: Cynical business practices tarnish DICE's much-improved sequel
EA DICE has worked wonders on Star Wars Battlefront 2, delivering a complete package that addresses every complaint about the original.
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus review – Brilliant writing masks a shooter that never excels
Mow down Nazis in MachineGames's sequel to its over-the-top reinvention of pioneering first-person shooter Wolfenstein.
Super Mario Odyssey review: A glorious, jubilant adventure for Nintendo Switch
Super Mario Odyssey is Nintendo's big Christmas game for new console Nintendo Switch and sees the iconic brand travel the globe.
SNES Classic Mini review: Nintendo packs video game history and unbridled joy into a pint-sized delight
Super Mario World, A Link To The Past and Street Fighter 2 among the 21 classics included.
Destiny 2 review: Bungie's unique online shooter returns as a towering success
Fight across the solar system, popping alien heads in the pursuit of that all-important loot.
Metroid: Samus Returns review – MercurySteam proves there's life yet in Nintendo's sci-fi series
Castlevania veterans seize their opportunity with remake of 26-year-old GameBoy title.
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Episode 1 review: The Price is alright
New developer Deck Nine admirably recreates the work of Dontnod for this unlikely prequel series.
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle review - An unlikely crossover with challenge and charm to spare
Nintendo and Ubisoft come together to create a fun and unexpected strategy game.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy review - Naughty Dog bids farewell with a forward-thinking adventure
Series hero Nathan Drake is nowhere to be found as the women take over for a rip-roaring treat.
What Remains of Edith Finch review: A masterclass in video game storytelling
Giant Sparrow, developers of The Unfinished Swan, tell the story of a tragic and cursed family.
Splatoon 2 review: Nintendo's inventive shooter arrives on Switch hoping to stay fresh
Wii U's inventive family-friendly shooter comes to Nintendo Switch.
Arms review: Is Nintendo's gangly Switch fighter a championship contender?
Do you even Arms, bro?
Tokyo 42 review: Style and substance clash in this open world indie shooter
SMAC Games' draws influence from Hotline Miami and early GTA for its stylish shooter.
Rime review: Tequila Works' adventure is a beautiful ode to life, loss and childhood
Spanish indie studio Tequila Works delivers a memorable adventure in a gorgeous world on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Switch.
Prey review: Arkane Studios' reboot is a tense and immersive sci-fi ride
Dishonored team cements itself as one of world's best video game developers with a shooter of real menace.
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 3 review: A fun and competent RTS but not the sequel this series deserves
Relic Entertainment once again brings the tabletop carnage to the digital realm.
Little Nightmares review: Tarsier Studios' Grimm fairy tale is a feast of carnal dread
A small girl attempts to escape a horrifying world of malice and greed in this brilliant indie horror.
Outlast 2 review: Red Barrels' fantastically compelling horror sequel sets a new standard
Red Barrels' horror sequel confidently shows just how much the studio has grown in the last four years.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe review: Nintendo takes the best Mario Kart ever and improves it
The 2014 classic gets re-released for Nintendo Switch with a new and improved Battle Mode.
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series review: Tangled Up In Blue
Marvel favourites Star-Lord, Gamora, Groot, Drax and Rocket star in Telltale's latest series.
Persona 5 review: Atlus' psychedelic PS4 opus is an all-time great RPG
'I lost my heart to a Phantom Thief.'
Snake Pass review: Sumo Digital slithering puzzle platformer is an inventive delight
Yooka-Laylee review: Playtonic's rose-tinted revival quickly becomes overplayed
Former Rare devs' spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie makes a good first impressions, but grows tired.
Mass Effect Andromeda review: BioWare's beloved sci-fi series awakens from cryo-sleep flawed but still enjoyable
Expectations have been sky-high for the return of one of gaming's greatest sci-fi series.
Ghost Recon Wildlands review: The most Tom Clancy game Ubisoft has ever made
Ubisoft brings its flavour of open world action to South America to reinvent the tactical shooter series.
Nier Automata Review: A wonderfully weird adventure that you won't soon forget
2B or not 2B? That is the predictable pun strapline.