NSA Collects Millions of Text Messages Globally
The U.S. National Security Agency has been gathering nearly 200 million text messages a day from around the world, gathering data on people's travel plans, contacts and credit card transactions, Britain's Guardian newspaper reported on Thursday (January 16).
NSA Accused of Collecting 200 Million Text Messages Per Day
GCHQ also found to have used Dishfire program to tap Britons' communications.
Edward Snowden NSA Scandal: US Snoopers Targeted International Charities
Obama signals potential review of NSA procedure as snooping revelations continue.
Amazon Reports no 'Snowden Effect' as AWS Goes From Strength to Strength
Amazon's cloud computing services have not been impacted at all by Snowden's revelations despite reports to the contrary.
GCHQ Forced Secure Email Service PrivateSky to Shut Down
Security firm Certivox forced to pull its PrivateSky product after GCHQ threatened it with a warrant.
World of Warcraft 'Terrorists' Monitored by NSA and GCHQ
NSA and GCHQ spied on Xbox Live and World of Warcraft gamers in attempt to find terrorists.
Jimmy Wales: NSA Surveillance Allows Oppressive Regimes to Continue Censoring Internet
Wikipedia founder believes spying by western governments will only give oppressive regimes more reason to censor the internet.
GCHQ Targeted Telecoms Staff Through Fake LinkedIn Website
British spying agency GCHQ targeted telecom staff with malware sent through fake LinkedIn and Slashdot websites.
Security Committee Examination of Spy Chiefs Labelled Inadequate
The questioning of the heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ by the Intelligence and Security Commission was labelled inadequate.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee Brands GCHQ Spying as 'Appalling and Foolish'
Creator of the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, says spying of NSA and GCHQ is 'appalling and foolish'.
UK Intelligence Chiefs to Give First-Ever Public Testimony Over Snowden Leaks
Parliament will gather evidence from chiefs of electronic eavesdropping agency GCHQ, domestic security service MI5, and foreign Secret Intelligence Service MI6.
NSA and GCHQ Hack Google and Yahoo Cloud Networks [VIDEO]
Documents leaked by Edward Snowden reveal hacking of internal Google and Yahoo networks to access huge volumes of data.
NSA 'Asked' Japan to Tap China's Communications in Asia-Pacific
Tokyo turned down US citing lack of resources and legal issues.
Snowden Leaks 'Most Catastrophic Loss in British Intelligence History'
Former GCHQ director Sir David Omand brands Snowden leaks the worst in British intelligence history.
GCHQ and NSA Repeatedly Tried and Failed to Crack Tor Network
Top secret presentations leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden reveal attempts to target anonymous Tor browser.
GCHQ Faces Legal Challenge in Europe over Online Privacy
Three campaign groups launch legal challenge in Europe over online privacy against GCHQ.
Edward Snowden NSA Scandal: India's Diplomatic Mission in London Uses Typewriters to Beat Snoopers
Indian High Commission uses old technology for secret documents after Edward Snowden's NSA revelations.
David Cameron 'Warned Guardian over Snowden Leaks'
Downing Street sent officials to warn Guardian about publishing of NSA and GCHQ stories.
GCHQ 'Acquired' Customer Details from BT and Vodafone
Telecom giants BT and Vodafone reportedly gave GCHQ customer phone call details and emails as part of Tempora programme.
GCHQ Worse than NSA, Says Snowden as He is Charged
NSA Prism whistleblower reveals that British agency taps civilians' and suspects' communication systems.
GCHQ to File Report over US Prism Spy Programme Links
GCHQ will submit report to parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee soon, says Sir Malcolm Rifkind.
Smart Energy Meters in UK Homes Pose Energy Threat
Meters easy target for hackers, allowing mass data collection and potential power supply disruption.