> Health
North Korea: 'No Doubt' About Kim Jong-un's Good Health says Diplomat
North Korean diplomat in London insists there is 'no doubt' about Kim jong-un's health
World Mental Health Day: Friends Life Chief Calls on Business Leaders to 'Break the Silence'
Andy Briggs, the boss of Friends Life, writes exclusively for IBTimes UK on World Mental Health Day.
The 9/11 Curse: Dust Cloud and Pregnancy Issues
Pregnant women living near the site of the World Trade Centre terror attack, experienced higher negative pregnancies.
Violinist Plays During Brain Surgery to Assist Doctors
Minnesota musician played a violin as surgeons implanted a tiny electrode in his brain.
Life after Ebola: Living with the Social Stigma of the Deadly Disease
Liberian doctor battles social stigma after beating Ebola.
UK Employers Not Inflamed Over Smoking E-Cigarettes in the Office
More than half of UK businesses have no policy for 'vaping' in the workplace.
One Minute of Exercise Gives 'Health Benefits for Elderly'
Study suggests high intensity training exercise programs could have major health benefits for older people.
Google Wants to Build Most Detailed Database of the Human Body Ever
Privacy concerns raised by Google X Baseline Study to create database of what a heathly human is
India: Convent Student Made to Sit in Village Primary School to Impress Bill Clinton
A convent school student was reportedly made to sit in a primary school by the authorities.
India: 232 Teeth Extracted from Mouth of Teenager
Mumbai teen's unusual growth caused dozens of tiny tooth to shoot from single molar.
Apple iWatch Details: Release Date, Price, Specs, Features, Biometrics, Health-Tracking and More
All the details and rumours, including release date, price and specs of Apple's iWatch.
Apple Announces iOS 8 with HealthKit Focusing on Fitness and Well-Being
Apple's latest mobile operating system has been announced at WWDC, featuring a new hotly anticipated health app
Tesco in Sweet Treats Ban to Save Shoppers From Temptation
UK's biggest grocer removes chocolates and sweets from nearby tills to help obesity fight
Hardcore Porn is a Major Hazard to Public Health – US Neuroscientist
Porn is destroying young people's minds 'like cocaine', claims scientist.
Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee Suffers Heart Attack
Samsung's Chairman Lee Kun-hee is in a stable condition in hospital after suffering a heart attack at his home.
Child Death Rate in UK among Worst in Europe
Children born in Britain are more likely to die before reaching their fifth birthday in any other western European country apart from Malta
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Claims Life of 20-Year-Old Rochdale Dad
'Super-fit' rugby player Lloyd Walsh drops dead minutes after complaining of headache.
Why Britain is Bonkers for Fast Food and Spends Billions on Greasy Grub
There may have been a financial crisis, but one industry has remained intact.
WhatsApp: Excessive Texting Can Cause 'WhatsAppitis'
Everything you need to know about the newly discovered 'WhatsAppitis.'
Larry Page: Sharing Medical Records Could Save 100,000 Lives This Year
Google co-founder Larry Page believes that sharing anonymised medical records could save 100,000 lives.
iOS Healthbook App Revealed - Apple's Big Play for Health and Fitness Market
Details of Apple's Healthbook app show just how ambitious the company is being in the health and fitness market.
Scientists Develop Sports Recovery Beer
Lean Machine beer claimed to help drinkers recover 'after an aggressive workout'.
Olympic Champion Sally Gunnell: Small Changes Can Help Workers Win the Fitness Race
Exclusive: Sally Gunnell says musculoskeletal pain is the biggest cause of sickness absence.
Rare Disease Day 2014: Fatal Genetic MCADD Affects 1 in 10,000 UK Babies
Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) can cause mental disability and death
131 Million Days Lost as Minor illnesses Keep Britons Off Work
ONS says amount of days lost is sharply down from 178 million days in 1993.
Leprosy Mystery: 10 Million Year-Old Bacteria Reveals Oldest Human Disease
Research reveals leprosy could be oldest human-specific infection.
China's Oldest Woman Dies: Homemade Rice Wine Secret to 117 Years
He Er'xiu drank homemade rice wine and worked out regularly.
Over-60s Warned Against Sitting Down Too Much
Every additional hour a day spent sitting could double risk of disability, scientists warn.
Workers Not Feeling the Love From Employers
Investors in People says over 50% of employees work for firms unconcerned about workers' health.
Apple iWatch to Focus on Health and Wellness?
Will Apple's iWatch be a Health-first device?