Chancellor George Osborne says austerity is why gilt yields have hit record lows, but IBTimes UK explores the bigger reasons for Britain's low cost of borrowing.
Lawyers of former IMF chief DSK and art heiress Anne Sinclair take court action alleging invasion of privacy.
Arson, bomb threats and government departures underline plight of Europe's "Sick Man"
Bank of International Settlements (BIS) official warns that unconventional measures used to stimulate the economy could create problems in the future.
Coalition government releases policy document to ease strain on citizens who are already feeling pain of austerity measures.
Leaders of Germany, France, Italy and Spain meet in Rome to discuss ways to restore confidence in the eurozone ahead of a full EU summit from 28-29 June.
China and Brazil signed a series of economic and trade ties at the sidelines of Rio+20 sustainable development summit.
Market participants are still anticipating the final details on Spain's bailout amount and conditions, after independent auditors Roland Berger and Oliver Wyman say the country's banks need up to €62bn
Bank downgrades come amid global review by Moody's as IMF says European crisis enters 'critical stage'.
Sudan police break up fifth day of protests against austerity measures, which led Khartoum state governor to fire staff.
Ratings agency says Brazil's diversification and growing domestic market are helping it mitigate the impact from Eurozone sovereign debt contagion
Australia local offers to buy the troubled Eurozone out of debt through a crowdfunding campaign
Mounting concerns over eurozone sovereign debt crisis and slowdown in China's growth dampening business outlooks for some of Asia's largest companies.
Latest minutes from the Bank of England's monetary policy committee reveal a close split on whether to inject more quantitative easing into the UK economy.
Ryanair has made a move to take a 50 percent stake in Aer Lingus, despite having past attempts rejected by EU regulators on competition grounds
The full audit of Spanish banks being delayed until September raises fears that Spain will need more than its originally agreed IMF €100bn bailout.
Ratings agency Moody's report on the triple-A rated Asian tiger highlights resilience of Singapore's economy
Spain €3bn short-term debt sale hits 5 percent yield as German investor sentiment falls the most since 1998
China pledges to provide $43bn (£27.4bn) to International Monetary Fund to boost its lending power.
Lenders, such as IMF and EU nations Germany and Britain, exerting pressure for Greece to act swiftly on reforms in midst of widespread doubt.
G20 Draft Communique to boost IMF firewall, tackle the sovereign debt crisis and prevent further emerging market contagion.
New Democracy secures 29 percent of the vote. Victory expected to give crucial economic and fiscal reforms a chance.