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An employee seals a stack of yuan banknotes

Crisis Spreads as Alarm Signals Emerge for Asia too

It is time Karl Marx's classic opening statement of the Communist Manifesto is reworded into something on the lines of: "A spectre is haunting Europe ­- the spectre of a double dip. All the powers of Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre."
Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi announces resignation in  2005

Eurozone Split Fears Mount as Italy Enters Bail-Out Territory

The Eurozone is greeted by worsening news each day as Germany and France try to save the currency and the concept. The latest to join the league of bail-out seekers is Italy as the country’s 10-year bond yields reached more than 7 percent on Wednesday.
George Papandreou

Greek Debt Crisis: New Prime Minister by End of the Day

After 48 hours of political deadlock, Greece will name its new prime minster by the end of the day after the outgoing premier, George Papandreou, and opposition leader, Antonis Samaras, reached a consensus with the country’s president Carolos Papoulias yesterday evening.
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso

Italy Accepts IMF Monitoring Over Austerity Measures

IMF is monitoring Italy over its long delayed plan of reforms of pensions, labour markets and privatisation, EU Commission President Josè Manuel Barroso said on Friday. Under pressure from financial markets and European peers, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi agreed to allow International Monetary Fund to oversight the country's progress to overhaul its debt crisis.
David Cameron

David Cameron Faces New Eurosceptic Rebellion

The prime minister, David Cameron, faces yet another rebellion in the Commons – this time over the use British taxpayers’ money to boost the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a fiscal reserve that supports ailing economies such as Greece.
Greece's Prime Minister George Papandreou  holds a news conference after a Euro Zone leaders summit in Brussels, May 8, 2010

Greek Referendum Shocks Euro Zone Leaders as Markets Plunge

Prime Minister George Papandreou's shock announcement Monday night that Greece's bailout plan will be put to referendum has been coldly received by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, bringing accusations the move will intensify the euro zone crisis.
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