> internet
Google Chrome OS now updated to feature Material Design UI, enhanced search experience, Google Now and more
Google Chrome OS bearing 42.0.2311.87 will automatically be updated on Chromebook.
Conservatives plan to 'block porn sites' across the UK
Culture Secretary Sajid Javid says pornographic websites must use strict age controls.
Amazon Dash Buttons are the ultimate in lazy online shopping - and not an April Fools' joke
Amazon Dash Buttons let you order household goods with a single press of a button on your coffee maker or washing machine
Mozilla Firefox 37 stable version released, available for download on Windows, Mac, Linux and Android: What's new
Mozilla Firefox 37 is available for free download for users of Windows, Android, Mac and Linux.
Over half of UK parents unaware if their children are being cyberbullied
Over half of British parents admit they wouldn't know if their children were being cyberbullied and also would not know what to do
Taylor Swift buys porn domain names to beat internet trolls
Taylor Swift has reportedly snatched up the domain name TaylorSwift.porn and TaylorSwift.adult.
Iran gives the green light for internet giants like Google
Iran could allow Internet giants like Google to operate in the Republic if they respect the country's 'cultural' rules.
FCC passes net neutrality rules
FCC chairman: 'No one, whether government or corporate, should control free and open access to the internet.'
UK internet should be classified as vital public utility service like water and electricity
House of Lords' Make or Break: The UK's Digital Future report states internet is as important to modern-day life as water, gas or electricity.
LiFi internet breakthrough: 224Gbps connection broadcast with an LED bulb
224Gbps speed would technically allow for 18 movies (1.5GB) to be downloaded in a single second.
Astronomers planning to share our Internet with potential alien life?
Astronomers hope to connect with potentially inhabitable planets.
Microsoft's Spartan web browser for Windows 10 expected to get Cortana integration, new functionality set
Microsoft will release the public version of Windows 10 in late 2015, with Spartan web browser built-in.
Facebook apologises for Year in Review feature as it brings up painful memories for user
'We brought him grief rather than joy,' says a Facebook employee.
Bank of England begins monitoring internet and social networks for unconventional economic data
Central bank believes unconventional data from internet could be more timely than official figures.
Iran: Telecommunications minister says every Internet user will be 'identified'
Iran's telecommunications minister: 'There will be no web surfer whose identity we do not know.'
Firefox for iOS in development: Mozilla tackles Chrome, Opera and Safari on Apple's turf
Firefox for iOS is in the works as Mozilla eyes iOS browser market share
After Mozilla, Will Yahoo Search Replace Google as Default Search Engine in Apple's Safari?
Apple is also thought to be considering Microsoft's Bing, or developing an exclusive default search engine within Safari
Firefox 34 Stable Release Likely to Incorporate Mozilla's New 'One-Click' Search UI and Yahoo Search
Firefox 34 is also expected to let users change the default search engine, with a single-click.
Free 'Super WiFi' from TV White Space Proposed in New Study
Scientists propose free 'Super WiFi' that extends wireless networks through old TV frequencies.
Google to Make 'Significant Efforts' to Remove Abusive Links After Settling High Court Case
Case between Google and Daniel Hegglin settled in High Court after search giant asked to remove 3,700 offensive links from search results
By 2020 90% of Children Over Six Years Old Will Have Mobile Phones
Future generations are expected to mature faster due to the rise of gadgets and social media networks.
Google to Test-Fly Balloons that Transmit Internet over Australia
Google hopes to connect two-thirds of people, presently unwired, by circulating balloons across the Earth.
Which? Calls On Regulators To Clamp Down On 'False Claim' Broadband Adverts
It says that the 'up to' speeds should apply to majority of customers
Firefox 33.1: Mozilla adds Forget Button, DuckDuckGo, Enhanced Privacy - Free Download Available
Forget Button in Firefox 33.1 deletes only very recent browsing activity, while retaining the earlier browsing details.
Internet Connected Devices Will Outnumber Humans Three to One by 2020
Research by analysts at Gartner claim exponential growth from the Internet of Things (IoT) will see 25 billion connected devices by 2020.
Teaching Children Online Safety 'As Important as Crossing The Road', Says Marie Collins Foundation
Online child abuse charity CEO urges parents to educate children about grooming from an early age.
'Improved' Mozilla Firefox 33.0.3 Web Browser now Available for Download: What's New?
Mozilla Firefox 33.0.3 is available for free download for users of Windows, Mac and Linux.
APKs for Gmail App Featuring 'Material Design' Now Available for Download
Apart from the Material Design UI enhancement, Gmail 5.0 also incorporates a host of new features.
Google's X Division Pioneers a Super Pill that Seeks Out and Identifies Illnesses
The search engine giant's latest project is researching a capsule that hunts out malignant cells and test for cancer.
Mozilla Firefox 33.0.1 'Enhanced' Web Browser Now Available for Official Download: What's New?
Mozilla Firefox 33.0.1 is available for free download for users of Windows, Mac and Linux.