France's PM calls Lahouaiej-Bouhlel a terrorist, as Daesh claims him as a 'soldier'.
In a powerful and defiant address President Obama described terror attacks as 'an affront to all humanity.'
Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel killed 84 people in a brutal attack on a 30,000-strong crowd in southern France.
India's Imams believe that using social media will give them an edge in spreading their message further.
Isis downed the plane on 14 July near the eastern city of Deir ez-Zor according to Amaq news agency.
Fakhri Hassan Al Issa asks India to watch out for Islamic preachers who may radicalise youth.
Michael Flynn, an ex-chief of the Defence Intelligence Agency, said Isis fighters were 'sick'.
The US had declared that the infamous red-bearded jihadist had died in an airstrike in March this year
The captured photojournalist discusses airstrike on Mosul University in latest video released by Amaq.
Gavin Michael Rae or Yaqub Rae from Preston had also allegedly tried to take his children to Syria.
Reports from the capital of the Isis caliphate say that the men were accused of helping the Kurdish YPG
Louis Park's Facebook post shows him encountering a Squirtle next to his mounted machine gun.
Attack bears all the hallmarks of similar assaults carried out by the Islamic State.
The images show the youngsters taking part in games like 'tug-of-war' and 'musical chairs'.
Campaigners at Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently document many of the abuses committed by Isis.
Twins allegedly plotted attacks on US embassy and Jewish institutions.
Al-Fatihin paper contains advice from former al-Qaeda leader Abu Hamza al-Muhajir on killing disbelievers.
Video was shot by helicopter flying above lines of Iraqi armoured vehicles approaching Qyyarah base.
Isis' Twitter traffic down by 45% in two years as the US enlists help of tech companies.
Sterling was shot and killed on 5 July sparking mass condemnation across the US
The extremists are becoming increasingly paranoid as the borders of their self-proclaimed caliphate shrinks.
Autopsy revealed that many of the Italians had been slashed with knives and suffered a slow death.