Gulf Oil Corporation and Solar Industries have been involved in the supply chain of bombs used by Islamic State.
The two older men they were with escaped with 50 lashes in a public flogging.
The 3 teenagers were found guilty of 'contempt of Islam' by Minya's Juvenile Misdemeanor Court.
Four F-15 are expected to be deployed at Incirlik Air Base against the Islamic State group.
Arms dealers using Facebook to sell a wide range of weapons to Hamas, Kurdish rebels, Isis and other Jihadists.
The suicide bombers targeted a Shia mosque in the Iraqi capital in a co-ordinated attack.
The federal government has admitted that it is 'not best placed' to counter online recruitment efforts.
Torture device said to operate like an animal trap or metal jaw with teeth.
Twitter suspended 125,000 accounts this month because of users making threats or promoting terrorism.
Mother-of-three, Lorna Moore from County Tyrone, was convicted of terror offences at the Old Bailey.
At least 300 Muslim scholars gathered in Hyderabad to debate how to stand up against IS (Daesh).
Benghazi has seen some of the worst violence in the conflict that has plagued Libya.
The 55-year-old known by the nom the guerre Rustem Cudi killed in clashes with the Islamic State group.
Marlin claimed she was duped into joining the terror group.
Zahera Tariq, 33, was arrested at Luton airport with her 4 children after trying to travel to Syria.
How can the US-led coalition implement a coherent strategy in Syria when it is torn apart from inside?
The Islamists release the final batch of Assyrian Christians who were held hostage in Syria's Raqqa.
Isis and Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front not expected to join ceasefire.
Western governments are accusing Moscow of increasing its air attacks to aid Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.
The 19-year-old from Padua reportedly admits to parents joining Islamist group was huge error.
Bangladeshi police arrest three suspects thought to have links with banned Islamist group after murder.
The attacks as Moscow and Washington try to work towards a ceasefire.