> jobs
Severn Trent to Axe 500 Management and Support Jobs
The FTSE 100 firms says it is working with the company's unions over the potential move.
UK Housing Market Boom Helps Boost London Jobs By 52% in 2014
Britain's capital saw a surge in construction, accounting, financial and insurance jobs in September
UK Youth Unemployment: Future Governments Cannot Just Threaten People into Work
IBTimes UK looks at ways to tackle the UK's high youth unemployment levels.
Italian Youth Unemployment Hits Record High at 44.2% as Pressure Mounts for Matteo Renzi
Istat says the jobless rate for 15 to 24-year-olds increased from 43.2% in July.
UK Job Market: Graduate Unemployment Has Biggest Fall in 15 Years
HECSU says the employment rate for graduates jumped to 75.6% in 2014, up from 73.6% last year.
UK Jobs: Top Tips on Reducing Bad Hires
A bad hire can be toxic to entire teams and companies
Dairy Crest Axes 260 Jobs and Shuts Two Sites in Wake of 'Extremely Volatile' Markets
The firm is best known for its Cathedral City, Clover, Country Life and FRijj brands.
Vodafone Plans to Buy 140 Phones 4U Stores and Save 887 UK Staff
PwC, the firm's administrator, says the deal remains subject to court approval.
National Farmers Union Chief: 'UK Needs Immigrants as Britons are Lazy and Hooked on Benefits'
Meurig Raymond warns 'Benefits Britain' could damage the national harvest.
World Bank Warns G20 Employment Ministers of 'Global Jobs Crisis'
The joint report says there will need to be 600 million extra jobs created across the world by 2030.
Neets: Britons Believe Firms Won't Hire Young Without Work Experience
Chris Whitehouse says employers need to take a chance on the next generation.
Manufacturing Drive Boosts Job Market Recovery in Midlands and North England
Adzuna says manufacturing in the UK is finding its feet once more.
UK Youth Unemployment: Number of Neets Fall to Lowest Level Since 2005
ONS says number of Neets has fallen to 955,000 in the three months to June.
UK Job Market: Self-Employment Surges to 40-Year High
The ONS says there were 4.6 million self-employed people in the UK in 2014.
UK Job Market: Attitude Trumps Qualifications When Firms Hire Youngsters
The ONS says youth unemployment was 16.9% in the three months to June.
Fawcett Society: Financial Crisis Pushed 826,000 Women into Low Paid Work
The campaign group says the numbers of women in low paid, insecure work are still alarmingly high.
UK Job Market: Hiring Picks Up But Skills Shortage Still Looms
UK's skills shortage is pushing pay pressure up.
Britain's Over-60s Get Biggest Pay Rises After Snapping Up More Senior Roles
Average annual earnings for over-60s increased by nearly £1,000 between 2011 and 2013.
EU Youth Unemployment Falls Slightly But Greece, Spain and Italy Still Struggling
Eurostat reveals that eurozone unemployment mildly improved over the last month.
UK Interest Rates Hike? Long Live the MPC's 'Groupthink' Ways
The central bank has been slated for not raising interest rates, but they've made the right move.
Youth Unemployment: Why Britain Shows You Don't Need Uni to Combat Skills Shortage
IBTimes UK got a sneak peak of the 2014 Skills Show at Haberdashers' Hall
UK Earnings 'Dropped 20% More than Official Figures Suggest'
Fall may have gone unnoticed because the data does not include the self-employed, a thinktank says.
Nick Clegg Unveils 300 New Sanef Jobs in Leeds
The announcement was part of the International Festival for Business 2014.
North's Hiring Boom Dampens Competition for UK Jobs
Adzuna says there were 1.33 jobseekers for every advertised vacancy in May.
Morrisons Axes 2,600 Jobs in Management Restructuring Plan
The supermarket chain says the job losses are a result of the firm reducing layers of management.
UK Unemployment Drop 'Success' Soured By Shrinking Real Wages
Is the Coalition Government's 'long term economic plan' really working?
UK Unemployment Hits Five Year Low in Further Boost for Cameron's Coalition
UK's unemployment rate fell to a five-year-low of 6.6% in the three months to April
Men Suffer From 'Double Whammy' of Worklessness and Ill Health
Study says unemployed men have a higher risk of developing poor health than any other group
UK 'Jobs Boom' Under Threat From Lack of Staff, Warns KPMG and REC
The Report on Jobs reveals that permanent staff appointments declined further in May
Greek Unemployment Falls to 26.8%
Embattled country's unemployment rate remains far higher than the Eurozone average of 11.7%.