> litecoin
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Auroracoin Rebounds; 100 Days of Dogecoin & MtGox Reopens
Auroracoin rebounds in value as dogecoin celebrates its 100th day in existence and MtGox website reopens for customers.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Goldman Sachs on Bitcoin, Dogecoin Charity and Litecoin Debut
Goldman Sachs weighs in on bitcoin; litecoin gains Chinese exchange support and dogecoin community raise funds for Kenya.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Mt. Gox Lies, Bitcoin Gun Store and Dogecoin on BitPay
Mt. Gox confusion continues, but bitcoin value remains stable, as BitPay thinks about adding dogecoin.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Satoshi Breaks Five-Year Silence
Bitcoin and other report small falls in value, as media storm surrounds identity of bitcoin creator.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Bitcoin Recovers to Pre-MtGox High
Bitcoin continues to recover in wake of MtGox collapse, as Winklevoss twins fund space trip with bitcoin.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: London Gets First Bitcoin ATM as Auroracoin Tumbles
Icelandic cryptocurrency auroracoin falls by almost 50% after passing $1 billion market cap a day earlier.
What is Auroracoin? Icelandic Cryptocurrency Passes Litecoin With $1 Billion Valuation
Icelandic cryptocurrency auroracoin passes litecoin with $1bn market cap and triple-digit growth.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Bitcoin Shrugs Off MtGox Failure With 15% Surge
Bitcoin's value grew 15% in the last 24 hours, apparently shrugging off MtGox's $500m loss.
Torrent Client Integrates Bitcoin Donations As Means to Combat Piracy
Frostwire allowing micro-tipping to content sharers via bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin and PayPal.
Bitcoin: 50 Insane Facts About the Digital Currency [INFOGRAPH]
Top facts about the cryptocurrency recently involved in the Mt.Gove exchange market crash
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: 'No Chance' of Mt Gox Bailout as Japanese Authorities Investigate
'No chance' of Mt Gox bailout means users are unlikely to see lost bitcoin again.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Mt. Gox Implosion, Crypto Wipeout and Dogecoin Burgers
A big day for cryptocurrencies as Mt. Gox theft causes panic in the markets - but at least you can buy a burger with dogecoin.
Dogecoin Down - Mt. Gox Theft has Knock-on Negative Effect on All Cryptocurrencies
The reported theft of more than 744,000 bitcoins from Mt. Gox has sent prices of all other cryptocurrencies down too.
Harvard University Student Caught Abusing 14,000-Core Supercomputer to Mine Dogecoins
Student banned from accessing Ivy League school's research computing facilities
Chinese New Year Along With Litecoin Mining Contributed to AMD Graphics Card Scarcity
Increased litecoin mining based on GPUs increased demand and prices for graphics cards.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: MtGox Woes Continue as New York Pushes for Bitcoin Law
MtGox bitcoin price falls below $100 and withdrawl ban continues, as New York pursues bitcoin law.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Mt Gox Moves Out as Winklevoss Twins Launch Winkdex
Mt Gox claimed to have left Tokyo office amid ongoing protests, while Winklevoss twins launch Winkdex.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: World's First Dogecoin ATM Arrives as Bitcoin Remains Stable
World's first dogecoin ATM shown off at cryptocurrency festival, as Mt Gox protest struggles to gain momentum.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Mt Gox to Reopen Withdrawals as Protests Continue
Mt Gox claims bitcoin withdrawals will reopen soon, while protests continue outside Tokyo headquarters.
Increased Demand from Litecoin Miners Boosts AMD Graphics Card Prices
Graphic cards based on R9 290X graphics processing unit are now priced at about $900, compared with $549 four months before.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Londoner Flies 6,000 Miles to Stage Mt Gox Protest
A Shoreditch developer flew 6,000 miles to stage a one-man protest outside Tokyo bitcoin exchange Mt Gox.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: London Bitcoin ATM Update and Dogecoin Joins Two Exchanges
London's first bitcoin ATMs are shipping soon, while dogecoin lands on two more cryptocurrency exchanges.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: DDoS Attacks, Dogecoin Soaring and Bitcoin on Bing
It has been a volatile 24 hours in cryptocurrency-land as DDoS attacks disrupt bitcoin trading while dogecoin just keep going to the moon.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Bitcoin Recovers As Mt Gox Woes Continues
Bitcoin shows signs of recovery as Mt Gox exchange woes continue
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Protests at Mt Gox as Dogecoin Hits Wall Street
Protester travels to bitcoin exchange Mt Gox while dogecoin fans party on Wall Street.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Prices Crash as Mt Gox Stops Bitcoin Withdrawals
Suspension of bitcoin withdrawals by Mt Gox exchange cause value of almost all crypto currencies to fall.
Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Vertcoin - How to Buy Cryptocurrency
Everyone is talking about bitcoin and wants in on the bandwagon, but how do you go about buying the hot cryptocurrency? David Gilbert investigates.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Bitcoin Slips, Apple Bans iOS Wallet and Iceland Launches AuroraCoin
Bitcoin falls below $800 while Apple imposes iOS ban on Blockchain wallet app.
Vertcoin: The Soaring Cryptocurrency Set to Surpass Bitcoin
Vertcoin soars in popularity with new approach to mining.
Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Vertcoin Surge Continues as Mt Gox Frustration Builds
Vertcoin surges 200%, while frustration builds over slow Mt Gox exchange withdrawals