> London housing crisis
London housing crisis
'We've Got To Get Britain Building': Rachel Reeves Implies Nimbys Wont Stop The Building Of 1.5M New Homes By 2029
Rachel Reeves, the new Chancellor, has pledged to build 1.5 million new homes by 2029 despite opposition from 'nimbys,' focusing on reforming planning systems and utilising brownfield and grey belt land.
Tiny new homes for Londoners compared to 'dog kennels'
The council housing will be 40% smaller than Travelodge rooms and won't meet national minimum space standards.
Could bungalows be an answer to London's housing crisis?
Conservative London Assembly member Andrew Boff claims there is 'massive demand' for bungalows.
Rent costs are out of control – government must support renters by banning letting fees
18% of the population live in this sector – we need radical action to improve security, conditions and costs.
Sadiq Khan: Boris Johnson has 'let down Londoners' on affordable housing
New Labour mayor of London launches scathing attack on Conservative predecessor over London housing crisis.
Caroline Pidgeon: We can only fix the housing crisis by tackling the UK builder shortage
From bricklaying and plumbing, to crane driving and surveying, we need a new UK Construction Academy.
London mayoral election 2016: Are these the six solutions to the city's housing crisis?
London's housing crisis is a priority issue for leading candidates Zac Goldsmith and Sadiq Khan.
London property: Nine Elms and Battersea Power Station 'will be full in five years'
Douglas & Gordon chief executive James Evans plays down oversupply fears regarding London new-builds.
Thousands to march on Parliament in attempt to kill Conservatives Housing Bill
#KillTheBill demo will protest against legislation that could evict thousands of council tenants
London mayor candidate Rosalind Readhead: The outsider who wants to abolish cars in the capital
The outsider paints a persuasive picture of a car-free London.
UK house prices: 'Cheapest' flat in London sells for £79,000
Property measuring just 75 sq ft in Clapton, east London, sells after receiving nine offers
Buy-to-let mortgage lending in huge jump as investors rush to beat April's stamp duty hike
Council of Mortgage Lenders reports 35% leap in gross buy-to-let mortgage lending.
UK housing crisis: Prices to jump 50% in next 10 years says CEBR report
The average price of a house in the UK is expected to be £419,000 by 2025.
Autumn Statement 2015: Housebuilders rally as George Osborne is set to boost private developers
Osborne's spending review will include £2.3bn to build 400,000 houses.
Nationwide: Soaring house prices and low rates hike profit at building society to £801m
Nationwide reported an 8% jump in the amount of first time buyers it has helped buy a home.
UK house prices: RICS predicts 4.5% yearly rise until 2020 as low rates fuel demand
Supply key issue as the drop in new builds is now 'really hitting home'.
UK house prices rose 3.8% in September as continued growth is expected for years
The growth adds to market-wide concerns about the lack of new homes to keep up with demand.
Save Brixton Arches: Local community fights Network Rail eviction plan
The rail authority, which owns the arches, has announced plans to remove more than 30 shops.
UK housing: First-time buyer prices continue to soar as estate agents push for more supply
It is surprising that there is still activity on the housing market said an estate agent association.
Understanding Corbyn-mania: Why are Labour activists flocking to Jeremy Corbyn?
For all the apparent madness of Corbynite politics it's important to ask why he has enthused Labour activists.
London rents crisis: Structural inequality and misogyny is fuelling sex-for-rent exploitation
Poorest women at risk of sexual exploitation in London's expensive housing and rental market.
London rents crisis: This is how bad it is and things will get even worse [Infographic]
To kick off a series on London's worsening housing crisis, here is a stark infographic.