> malware
North Korea Tried to Hack Smartphones in South Korea With Malware-Infested Games
North Korea hackers posted malicious smartphone games on South Korean websites infecting 20,000 devices
Ebola: Spammers Spread Malware Through Emails Claiming to Come from World Health Organization
Spammers are sending emails claiming to be from the World Health Organization which contain malware.
CryptoWall Ransomware: Millions Exposed to Cybercrime Threat via Yahoo, Match.com, AOL and Other Websites
Major websites are infecting visitors with malware, earning cybercriminals up to $25,000 per day
Dispelling Five Myths of Virtualisation Security
Kaspersky Lab's David Emm looks at five misconceptions about how to secure your virtual environments
BadUSB Malware: 'Unpatchable and Undetectable' Now Available For Anyone to Use
The unpatchable BadUSB malware was published by security researchers and made available to anyone.
ComputerCOP Spyware Distributed by US Police to Parents is 'Spying Tool'
Law enforcement agencies have been unwittingly handing out thousands of copies of spyware
Hong Kong: Fake Occupy Central App Puts Spyware on Protesters' Smartphones
Fake Android app CODE4HK spread over WhatsApp spies on text messages, records phone calls and tracks GPS
Malware Alert: SandroRAT Masquerades as Anti-Virus App, Infects Android Mobile Devices to Steal Confidential Data
SandroRAT masquerades as a legitimate Antivirus app, and has been found to affect Android mobile users in Poland.
Mobile Users in Tier-2 Indian Cities the Favourite Target of Ransomware Malware Programs, states Latest F-Secure Study
Users across India reportedly face an increased threat of being exploited by Ransomware malware programs.
USB Condom Protects Your Device From Infections
USBCondom prevents accidental data exchange between devices and public charging stations
Researchers Show Malware Can Hack Gmail App With 92% Success Rate
Using previously unseen methods, researchers say malware can easily attack apps on Android and iOS
Defru Malware Disguised as Anti-Virus Software Targets Windows Users in Russia
Defru creates a fake anti-virus scan alert page to deceive users into paying for the fake anti-virus software.
iOS Jailbreak: AdThief Malware Found Hijacking Ad Revenue from 75,000 Infected Devices
New AdThief malware reportedly found hijacking Ad Revenue from 22 million ads via 75,000 infected jailbroken devices.
Malware Combat: Google Enhances 'Safe Browsing' Service Within Chrome to Identify Disguised Threats
The enhanced safe browsing service is set to roll out starting next week.
Google Nest Thermostat Easily Hacked to Spy on Owners
Nest thermostat can be hacked and exploited by burglars to determine when homeowners are away
One Out of Every Ten Android Apps Affected with Malware and Viruses, States New Research
The first half of 2014 reported dangerously high levels of Android malware. Out of 24.2 million sample files collected, 2.2 million contained malicious codes/viruses/malware.
Citadel Malware has Remote Attack Capabilities: Banking and Financial User Data At Risk
Security researchers state that Citadel malware has now been enhanced with the ability to exploit a device remotely, and use the system as host for cyber-crime.
New 'Fake ID' Security Scam Exposes Android Devices to Multiple Threats, Could Steal Banking Related User Data from Smartphones
Fake ID has been detected by engineers at Bluebox Labs, and the security hole could open backdoors to multiple security scams resulting in user privacy breach.
BadUSB Exploit: Exposes Unpatchable Security Flaw and Hacks USB-Devices Undetected
BadUSB exploit alters infected USB device firmware and spreads infection undetected to computers.
USB Drives Contain Undetectable Security Flaw Allowing Hackers Take Control of Your Computers
Hackers can take over your computer using malware hidden on USB devices and there is currently no fix
'Fake ID' Flaw Threatens Android Users Since 2010
Google has created fix for security flaw discovered by Bluebox research team that could affect millions.
Ransomware Evolved: Onion Malware Uses Tor, Bitcoin and Elliptic Curve Cryptography to Make You Cry
Onion ransomware uses the anonymity provided by Tor and bitcoin to cover its creators' tracks
'Operation Emmental' Malware Campaign Targeting Banks Across Europe
Operation Emmental is a malware campaign targeting Swiss, Swedish and Austrian bank customers.
70% of UK Internet Users At Risk of Enhanced Cyber Crimes
People preferring to access the web using old versions of Microsoft's Internet Explorer run the greatest risk of being exposed to malware and related scams.
Malaysian Airlines MH17: Fake Facebook Accounts in Victims' Names Created by Scammers
Criminals set up Facebook pages in names of three Australian children killed in crash.
Visitors to Popular Japanese Porn Websites Having Bank Details Stolen
Malware targeting Japan's most popular porn websites is silently stealing banking credentials
GCHQ's Online Spying Tricks: Rigged Polls, Facebook Propaganda, Skype, LinkedIn Info Capture
Edward Snowden document reveals GCHQ software used to put false information online as MPs meet to debate emergency bill.
Cyber-Criminals Revive Pernicious GameOver Zeus Malware
A new version of Gameover Zeus malware emerges five weeks after the FBI shut down the original
Facebook Takes Down Greek Bitcoin-Stealing Botnet That Hit 250,000 Computers
Facebook has managed to scuttle the Lecpetex botnet and get two Greek hackers arrested.
CosmicDuke: The Latest Strand to Russia's Cyber-Espionage Campaign
State-sponsored malware CosmicDuke targets Ukraine as part of Russia's on-going cyber-espionage campaign