Japanese scientists try to explain what Mars could be made of in new study
Scientists at the University of Tokyo simulate the core of Mars to study its inner workings and composition.
Life on Mars: NASA believes strange hole could be home to Martian life
NASA discovers deep caverns on the surface of Mars.
NASA's InSight reveals Mars is 'seismically active planet': Findings
InSight's findings from the first 10 months on Mars reveals multiple quakes or Marsquakes and similarities in Mars and Earth's weather conditions.
Alien life on Mars possible due to water conditions being similar to Earth's oceans: Study
NASA's Curiosity Rover's results suggest that water on red planet contains just the right ingredients for life to sustain.
SpaceX launches third batch of Starlink satellites
The satellite deployment was filmed live by a camera onboard the rocket.
Alien life on Mars could be possible, research says
Iron-rich structures found on rocks may not be fossils as believed previously.
Aliens could inhabit a different star system, reveals new study
Single star planets could be rare.
NASA discovered but ignored evidence of life on Mars, claims scientist
NASA may have discovered alien life in the 1970s.
What's that sound? A 'marsquake' heard by NASA
The quakes, far too quiet to be picked up by the human ear, were recorded by the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) in May and July.
Humans to 'reach' Mars by year 2020, here's how
NASA is opening the opportunity for the general public to send in their names and include it in a microchip that will be brought to Mars in the year 2020.
NASA Shares Breathtaking Mars Images After Pulling Plug On Opportunity Rover [PHOTOS]
NASA has declared the Mars Opportunity Rover's mission complete.
Life on Mars: Scientists suggest looking underground for possible Martians
A paper suggested that space agencies may need to dig deeper during their search for life on Mars.
Can life exist beneath the Martian surface? 'Weird' microbes found in Mars-like conditions could provide answers
Dormant subsurface microbes found on Earth could be present on Mars as well.
Mars' tiny potato-shaped moons captured facing each other in stunning Nasa image
Nasa's Odyssey spacecraft was flying 5,615km away from Phobos and nearly 20,000km away from Deimos when the images were captured.
Watch Nasa's epic panoramic vista showcasing Mars Curiosity rover's six-year-long mission
The photo is a combination of 16 different shots taken by the Curiosity rover's MastCam imager from a vantage point.
NASA is set to reveal its plans to send humans to the moon once again - on Trump's orders
The announcement will come two months after Donald Trump signed a new space policy directive instructing Nasa to return to the moon.
Scientists discover huge water deposits on Mars that could sustain manned missions to the planet
Understanding water ice on Mars is key to unlocking the secrets of the Red Planet, according to scientists.
Jupiter and Mars conjunction: Earth's planetary siblings coming together for rare celestial reunion
The spectacular event can be viewed with the naked eye and there is no need for a telescope.
Nasa releases amazing image of an an asteroid with a snowman carved on its surface
Asteroids often collide with other objects as they hurtle through space, leaving their surfaces covered in various markings and craters.
Mystery of what happened to all of Mars' water solved
Water-absorbing rocks may be reason Martian surface is so dry, according to radical research by scientists.
Was Mars always Earth's neighbour? Red Planet may have been too far away to support life
Researchers ran a series of simulations to get new insights into the Red Planet's formation and evolution.
ESA captures Mars upside down in this stunning new photo
The agency captured the image as its Mars Express spacecraft moved from North to South Pole.
First earthlings on Mars? Earthworms might pave way for human colonisation of the Red Planet
Earthworms, often referred to as farmer's friends, are vital to a garden ecosystem if humans ever plan to grow food on Mars.
YouTube's paedophile problem: Mars among brands pulling ads following predator outbreak
Big-name brands including Mars and Lidl have pulled advertising from video giant YouTube after they were attached to videos of children attracting lurid comments from paedophiles.
Mars' dark streaks likely to have been caused by sand, not water
The dark streaks, technically dubbed Recurring Slope Lineae, are mostly found on rocky slopes in dark regions of Mars.
Nasa recreated Mars on top of a volcano and isolated 6 people there for 8 months. I was one of them
Six researchers spent 8 months living in total isolation inside a small dome to assess the psychological impact of an extended Mars mission.
Giant domes that house entire forests could be key to living on Mars
A competition to design cities and buildings on Mars has been won by a research team from MIT. Their dome design has space for entire forests.
Martian landscapes were formed by boiling water 'levitating' sand off its surface
The surface of Mars suggests that it was moved around and formed by flowing water, but there has never been enough water on the planet to do this.
Nasa explains the phenomenon behind the 'devil trails' on Mars
Sand dunes on Hellas Planitia have large, linear scratch marks on its sides at high latitudes.
Incredible meteorites from Mars show how the most massive volcanoes of the Solar System formed
Volcanoes on Mars are the largest in the Solar System.