Buzz Aldrin joins Florida Institute of Technology with sights set on colonising Mars
The 85-year old hopes to help get people on the Red Planet by 2040
What would aliens on Mars and Titan be like?
Scientist says Earth's most extreme habitats could help predict what extraterrestrial life would be like.
Nasa funding research to turn poop into synthetic food for astronauts
The space agency is giving $200,000 a year to researchers at Clemson University in South Carolina.
ET-spotters get excited about 'alien crablike monster' on Mars
Experts believe the Mars image looks like a crab because of a human condition called pareidolia.
Ice on Mars? New study suggests ancient Red Planet's climate was cold
'I'm still trying to keep an open mind about this. There is lots of work to be done.'
Alien life and UFOs: Evidence about extraterrestrials to be revealed by German government?
Reports suggest that a German parliamentary department had been investigating extraterrestrial objects.
Martian opal gemstone could indicate that Mars 'once held life'
'We know that on Earth opals like these are often formed in and around hot springs.'
Mars One: Human colony closer as Paragon unveils life support system for red planet
Paragon's ECLSS will be used to allow humans to inhabit Mars
Nasa chief technologist: Mars is first step in humanity's permanent migration into solar system
Nasa's mission to Mars is just the first step towards making humanity a multi-planet species.
Video allegedly shows UFOs blasting out of Earth's atmosphere before NASA cuts live feed
NASA scientist talks about pyramid spotted on Mars.
UFO hunters see 'pyramid' on Nasa image of Mars speculating it was built by an ancient civilisation
Extraterrestrial hunters claim to have found a structure very similar to an Egyptian pyramid in Nasa images of Mars.
Nasa expert believes there is life on other planets
Charles Frank Bolden Jr., the Administrator of Nasa, said he believes there is life beyond Earth.
Sorry, Stephen Hawking, Nasa scientist glum about finding life beyond Earth
We can't even agree on a definition of what life detection is, says John Grunsfeld
Mars life: Methane meteorites lend support to alien bacteria theory
'The availability of methane and hydrogen is critical to the potential of the Martian crust as a habitat'
Search for alien life: Mars and moons of Jupiter and Saturn best bet for extraterrestrial discovery
Scientists are currently looking for alien life on Mars and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn
Life on Mars? Utah is the place to be for budding explorers of the Red Planet
Humanoids prepare for space colony at the Mars Desert Research Station
Aliens are living among us, declares former high ranking politician who wants US to reveal UFO secrets
Former Canadian defence minister spoke about aliens and secret UFO files, recently.
University of Copenhagen identifies icy glaciers beneath Mars surface
University of Copenhagen believes massive glaciers are beneath Red Planet's dusty exterior
Alien life will be discovered in ten years, claims scientist as NASA plans special missions to Mars and Europa
"We know where to look. We know how to look," says NASA scientist
Unique alien life different from that on Earth might exist on Saturn's moon Enceladus, reveals Nasa scientist
Did life on Earth really originate on Mars?
Mars: MIT scientists designing machine that will help humans breathe on the Red Planet
MIT is designing a device for Nasa that will turn carbon dioxide into oxygen.
Mars: Curiosity Rover determines Red Planet is actually greyish-blue
The Curiosity rover has scratched beneath the surface to discover that Mars isn't red.
Mars' mountain range could be sitting on massive ice deposits says ESA
Phlegra Montes range in northern hemisphere shows features indicative of past glacial activity.
Purple haze or pink nipple: just what IS that vast cloud hovering over Mars?
Scientists baffled by gigantic cloud which twice appeared over Mars for long periods in 2012
Mars One whittles 200,000 applicants down to 100 for one-way trip to the Red Planet
The controversial project will announce the 40 successful people later this year.
Nasa's New Horizons probe beams back its first images of Pluto
In a birthday tribute to Pluto discoverer Clyde Tombaugh, researchers release photos taken by LORRI.
Moon-sized object made of iron slammed into Mars millions of years ago
Computer simulation of such an event has been offered as an explanation for the vastly differing hemispheres of Mars.
Elon Musk plans SpaceX satellite business to achieve human colony on Mars
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk plans a human colony on Mars assisted through commercial satellite production.
Nissan partners with Nasa to develop autonomous cars and Mars rover
Nissan enters five-year partnership with Nasa to share self-driving technology and help develop autonomous Mars rover
UFO sightings in 1950-60s: It was not aliens, 'it was us', reveals CIA
CIA reveals secret behind UFO sightings