Alfredo Beltran Guzman was arrested in possession of guns, a grenade and drugs.
The 23-year-old was found executed alongside 2 other people near his home in Guadalajara.
The girl's father says he had only intended to extend the invitation to 'friends and neighbours'.
A hoax story did the rounds saying Antonino Fernández made all 80 residents of Cerezales del Condado millionaires when he died aged 99.
Prosecutors say bodies show 'visible signs of torture' and are the result of rivalry between criminal groups.
The construction mogul's election to the White House has been particularly worrisome for Latin American nations.
The new discovery is believed to be the original structure built at the pyramid.
If Trump wants inspiration on how to deport illegal immigrants, he only needs to look at Obama's record.
According to the clerics of the Church, he was kidnapped because he fought corruption.
Cities such as Mexico City, Lima and La Paz spend the early days of November paying tribute to those who have died.
Mercedes team member robbed on his way to the team hotel from the airport.
Joaquin Guzman says he is the victim of mental torture by prison guards.
Where once the big cat covered Mesoamerica, their populations have becoming further cut off from each other.
In her latest interview, Emma Coronel said her husband fears for his health in prison.
Family members were buried carefully but enemies were thrown into graves with disrespect.
The president has recommended Raul Cervantes, a senator from the ruling PRI, replace Arely Gomez.
On 14 October, the Mexican government announced it would extradite the drug lord to the US in early 2017.
From Mexico to Argentina, thousands of people took to the street to demand an end to gender-based violence.
The event aims to maintain a high standards of clowning in light of 'killer' clown craze.
Zhenli is facing charges of conspiracy, drug-related crimes and possession of illegal weapons.
The parcel was marked 'business correspondence' and was meant to be delivered to a Mexican company.
The 31-year-old is currently ranked 1,065 in men's singles ATP rankings.