Nationwide's house price index shows government credit easing schemes - such as Help to Buy - is boosting demand and prices
BDRC Continental's SME Finance Monitor shows almost two thirds of SMEs unaware of Funding for Lending Scheme.
RBS-owned Lombard research says a third of UK companies are turning down orders rather than investing in new equipment
HSBC, Barclays, Lloyds Banking Group and RBS' jobs cull will drag employment down to a nine-year low
UK Business secretary tells IBTimes UK that Britain's biggest banks are lying and challenger banks will boost lending
Banks and financial institutions sanctioned home loans worth £5bn in April, up from £4.8bn in March.
Housing market activity, manufacturing output and employment intentions have improved, according to the agents.
Pre-tax profit for the fiscal year climb to £210m from £203m a year ago.
As one of the most Wall Street's most powerful men, we look at his more cocky quotes to date.
Gross mortgage lending in April rises to £12.1bn, 4% up from March.
Average home prices in London rises 7.6% on year to £398,000.
Nigel Green, CEO at deVere Group says it's delusional to believe FTT will exclusively target so-called City fat cats
Rightmove data shows asking price for property outside capital rises just 2.1% to £249,841.
Occupy movement launches new campaign to break up 'too big to fail' banks in London's Canary Wharf.
Richard Swanson knocked over by pickup truck on coast of Oregon raising funds for One World Futbol.
Supply not keeping pace with demand inflating house prices, according to RICS.
Home prices increased 1.1% in April to an average £166,094, says Halifax.
Bookie feels pain as online gambler wins 11 race accumulator
Tinkering with planning law, mortgage market stimulus and guarantees aren't enough, argues Shane Croucher, we need investment.
Bank of England deputy governor Paul Tucker suggests UK economy is better than headline figures suggest.
Land Registry house price data shows average price lifted 0.1 percent in March on month before.
Hometrack data shows London property demand up to pre-2007 financial crisis levels.