> Mortgage
BoE's Paul Tucker: Reasons for Hope Over Healing UK Economy
Bank of England deputy governor Paul Tucker suggests UK economy is better than headline figures suggest.
Britain's House Prices Rise on Soaring London Market
Land Registry house price data shows average price lifted 0.1 percent in March on month before.
London Property Prices Hit Pre-Crisis Peak
Hometrack data shows London property demand up to pre-2007 financial crisis levels.
Funding for Lending: Cautious Optimism From Business Groups Over Osborne Changes to Credit Scheme
Business groups have welcomed focusing FLS more towards SME lending, but warn that it will not alone heal the UK economy.
George Osborne Expands Funding for Lending Scheme
Chancellor Osborne and Bank of England give FLS facelift to focus on easing SME credit.
British Home Ownership Falls for First Time in More Than a Century - ONS
Office for National Statistics says percentage of owner-occupied homes fell between 2001 and 2011 as price increases and stricter lending pushed millions into the rental market.
UK House Price Inflation Down at 1.9% in February
Regional disparity in property sector widens in February despite the slow down in house price inflation.
Lehman Brothers Creditors Could Get Money Back in Full - PwC
PwC says Lehman's administrators settled benchmark dispute and has freed $9.1bn for paying back investors
UK Growth to Slow As Exports and Investment Lag - ITEM Club
Ernst & Young's ITEM Club marks down UK growth for 2013 but hints at consumer rebound led by housing market and 'Help to Buy' scheme.
UK Construction Sector Bounces Back in February
ONS data shows construction output recovered from January slump in another sign triple-dip recession avoided.
PST Agree Portsmouth Takeover
Portsmouth Supporters Trust [PST] are to become the new owners of the financially stricken south-coast club
UK Home Sales Rise to 3-Year High on Lending Boost - Rics
Bank of England's FLS and other government initiatives ease pressure on the property market.
Thatcherism a Debate That Rages on: Margaret Thatcher's Economic Legacy [VIDEO]
Britain's iconic prime minister led an unquestioned economic revival but the costs of her sweeping reforms are still being argued today.
UK House Prices Will Rise Modestly in 2013 - Halifax
Halifax points to price rise as mortgage market given boost by Help to Buy and Funding for Lending schemes.
Was George Osborne's 2013 Budget a Watershed? The Cuts Are On Their Way!
On 22 March 2013, two days after Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne delivered his 2013 Budget Address to the House of Commons, Fitch Ratings agency placed the UK's "AAA" Long-term Issuer Default Ratings (IDR) on Rating Watch Negative (RWN). The agency stated that it was more than likely that by the end of April 2013, by which time the agency will have made a full review of the UK's sovereign ratings, it is more than likely that the UK will be downgraded.
Business Lending and Mortgage Approvals Slump Despite FLS - BoE
Bank of England data shows February credit decline despite Funding for Lending Scheme.
US Judge Seeks Changes to Citigroup's $590m Shareholder Lawsuit Settlement
Citigroup and shareholders forced to revisit settlement amount and allocation.
UK House Prices Record First Annual Rise for a Year
Funding for Lending and weak housing supply boost March house prices, according to Nationwide's Monthly House Price Index
Help to Buy: No Housing Bubble From George Osborne's Budget Mortgage Scheme - Economists Poll
Reuters poll of economists shows majority doubt new property price bubble will be inflated by Chancellor George Osborne's Help to Buy scheme.
Budget 2013: George Osborne Faces Treasury Select Committee
Live coverage of Treasury select committee scrutiny of Chancellor George Osborne's 2013 Budget announcement.
UK Mortgage Approvals and Business Lending Slump in February - BBA
Despite BoE's Funding for Lending Scheme, bank lending drops in February according to British Bankers' Association.
British Taxpayers Get £4bn Repayment From 'Bad Bank' UKAR
UK Asset Resolution, the 'bad bank' set up to unwind illiquid assets from bailed out Northern Rock and Bradford & Bingley, sees profit jump in 2012.
London Leads Britain's Biggest House Price Rise in Three Years - Hometrack
London leads home price increases as demand-supply gap continues to grow in UK housing market.
George Osborne's Budget Will Not Heal UK Economy - YouGov Poll
Despite pessimism over Osborne's Budget, poll shows Britons back him over Labour rival Ed Balls.
Help to Buy Scheme Poses No Housing Bubble Threat, Say UK's Top Homebuilder and Estate Agent
Critics attack Osborne's Help to Buy Budget announcement over risk of new housing bubble, but Persimmon and Countrywide insist little risk.
Osborne's Budget 2013: Beer Duty Cut Can't Mask UK's Slashed Growth Forecasts
The beer duty cut was a tiny shaft of sunlight peeping through the dark clouds of George Osborne's forecast, says Shane Croucher.
Osborne's Budget 2013: £2.5bn Infrastructure Investment Plan Will Barely Boost GDP - TUC
Chancellor's Budget reveals £2.5bn cuts from departmental spending to boost infrastructure investment.
Osborne's Budget 2013: Labour and Ed Balls Outline Their Alternative
A mansion tax, reintroducing 10p tax rate, homebuilding among Labour's policy announcements ahead of George Osborne's key budget.
China Feb New Home Prices Climb Fuelling Policy Speculations
New home prices in 62 of 70 Chinese cities increase as government seeks to cool the sector.
Osborne's Budget 2013: No Fireworks as Plan A Stays but BoE Mandate May Change
Analysts say deficit reduction still Chancellor George Osborne's main aim ahead of 2013 Budget.