> Mortgage
Labour to give local councils 'rent regulation' powers to secure fairness says John McDonnell
McDonnell vows to help those 'at the mercy of an unforgiving, unrestrained housing market and landlords'.
UK house prices: Brits have to pay average of £197,000 for a new property says Nationwide
Lender says house prices will depend on building activity keeping pace with increasing demand.
Lib Dems claim new rent-to-own scheme will help first-time home buyers who lack big deposits
Lib Dems claim 'rent-to-own' scheme will help first-time home buyers struggling to raise deposits.
UK house prices up more than £15,000 in 2014
House prices at London rose by more than 15% or £81,619 over the past year.
UK house prices fall as rent drops for first time in eight months
Monthly rents across England & Wales drop to £768.
London House Prices: Tiny Flat Worth Cost of Mansion in Spain or US
With a mortgage of £254,000, you can buy 250m² property in Spain, compared to 72m² house in London.
Building Affordable Global Housing to Cost $11tn: McKinsey
Acceptable housing must be located within an hour's commute of work and include basic services.
Tories Pledge to Build 100,000 Homes And 20% Discount for Under-40s
Young professional couples would be offered 20% discount to get on housing ladder
Russia's Sberbank Offers Free Cats on Home Loans
Russian lender looking to cash in on popular superstition and boost mortgage business.
Nationwide Profit Leaps 113% Amid UK Mortgage Market Revival
Nationwide has seen its underlying profits more than double for the 2013/14 year to almost £1bn.
Financial Ombudsman Fields Record Number of Mortgage Complaints
The FOS received a record number of complaints about mortgages last year.
Shelter Warns of Payday Loans Fuelling Rent and Mortgage Payments
The homelessness charity says one in five rent or mortgage payers has borrowed money to cover their housing costs
Ex-Goldman VP Fabrice Tourre's Plea for New Trial in SEC Case Rejected
US District Judge Katherine Forrest upheld earlier ruling against Fabrice Tourre.
Bank of England Says UK Housing Market Like a 'Microwave'
BoE chief economist Spencer Dale says property market could turn from 'lukewarm to scalding hot'.
Britons Back Tories over Labour on Economy Despite 'Cost of Living Crisis'
YouGov/Sun poll finds majority think they'd be worse off or no better under Labour.
BoE's Andy Haldane: Don't Slam Brakes on UK Housing Market
Bank of England policymaker says would be foolish to curb housing market so early in UK recovery.
Bank of America's Pays $131m Settlement for Merrill Lynch Mortgage Probe
SEC said ML misled investors about mortgage securities it structured and sold
FCA Fines Bradford and Bingley Ex-FO Christopher Willford over Credit Crisis Failings
Christopher Willford fined £30,000 over failure to notify board about level of risk.
Factbox: JPM List of Legal Woes and Fines
JPMorgan has stumped up billions of dollars in legal fees and settlements this year
UK Recovery: Growth to Rise above Pre-Recession Peak in 2014
British Chambers of Commerce lifts growth forecasts, but cautions recovery driven by household consumption not trade.
JP Morgan Faces $2bn Penalty and Criminal Action Over Madoff Connection
Federal authorities nearing settlements over JPMorgan's involvement in Madoff case.
House Price Bubbles 'in Most UK Regions'
Warwick Business School claims high probability of UK housing bubble amid unaffordable values and sluggish earnings.
George Osborne's Trade-Led UK Recovery is Dead
Official figures show UK goods exports in decline despite an emerging global recovery
London's Canary Wharf Aims to Create 3,100 Homes as Office Space Demand Dwindles
UK's financial district has submitted plans to build 3,100 homes alongside skyscrapers
BoE's Mark Carney: We're Concerned About UK Housing Market
Bank of England Governor keeping eye on UK house prices as they rise sharply amid Help to Buy.
George Osborne: I Don't Accept UK Recovery is Unsustainable
OBR forecasts question claims of moves away from household consumption to manufacturing.
UK House Prices Soar 7.7% Across Year Amid Housing Bubble Fears
Halifax says Help to Buy and Funding for Lending fuelling demand amid weak supply, but falling wages add constraint.
UK Construction Sector 'Springing Back to Life'
Markit/CIPS PMI survey shows fastest pace of UK construction output growth in six years during November.
S&P Claims US Government's Fraud Case over Ratings is Unworkable
S&P credit ratings agency says US Justice Department bringing unworkable litigation against it.
Bank of England: SME Credit Supply 'Relatively Subdued' Despite FLS
Funding for Lending Scheme delivers improved credit conditions, but net lending to SMEs down in third quarter.