Sixteen Boko Haram militants killed in Nigeria during heavy gunfight with government's Joint Task Force (JTF)
A Dana Air flight crash landed into a populated area setting on fire at least three houses. All 153 on board were killed while the number of ground casualties were yet to emerge.
Cargo plane crash-lands near Ghana capital airport and kills 10 people on bus.
Two Americans tourists kidnapped while travelling in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan features in May-June issue of Vogue Italia.
A parliamentary debate in Ukraine ended in chaos when the members from opposing parties brawled with each other - the latest bout in a dubious tradition of politcians behaving very, very badly.
South African official hints country is looking to source more of its oil imports from Nigeria instead of Iran.
Rapper Kanye West has racked up seven nominations for this year's BET Awards
Nigerian officials dismiss US plans to include Boko Haram on its watch list of foreign terrorist organisations.
A serving Metropolitan Police detective and three former police officials arrested, questioned and later released on bail, over allegations of providing information to the Nigerian fraudster James Ibori for a payment.
Man arrested as he tried to smuggle hand granades and rifle ammunition into Nigeria's information ministry in Abuja.
Nigeria's Islamic militant group, Boko Haram, is partly financed by an Algerian terrorist group, a report claimed.
Islamist terrorist sect Boko Haram offers dialogue with Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan after recent deadly attacks.
Kano shopkeeper suspected of providing bombs used by Islamist terrorist sect found with drums of chemicals, says State Security Service.
Diageo Plc said its net sales increased 11 percent for the third quarter ended March mainly due to the acquisitions of Mey Icki, Serengeti Breweries and Meta Abo Breweries.
The world's largest spirit maker reveals that emerging markets growth and a recovery in North America sales helped offset falling sales in Europe
Nigerian Islamist terror group Boko Haram releases 18-minute video on YouTube of newspaper suicide bombings accompanied by fresh threats against press.
Nigeria's Joint Task Force (JTF) attacks hideout of Islamist sect and finds explosives and weapons.
Suicide bombers kill seven and injure 12 in normally peaceful town day after church shootouts claim 19 lives.
Nigeria's Bayero University at Kano rocked by several explosions.
Islamist terrorist sect Boko Haram claims responsibility for suicide bombings on three Nigerian newspapers
Bombers target media outfits in capital of Abuja and northern city of Kaduna, killing 8 people.