> President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama
Paris attacks: President Hollande declares state of emergency in France
Borders have been closed and military deployed after 'coordinated attacks' on the French capital.
White House backs anti-discrimination LGBT rights bill
The Congressional approval needed for the bill will be a tough challenge
Benjamin Netanyahu in US: Middle East conflict 'between modernism and medievalism'
He assured US President Barack Obama he remained committed to a two-state solution.
Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu headed for frosty reception with Barack Obama in Washington
Netanyahu wants a $1bn hike in military aid to Israel after Iran deal
Netanyahu and Obama to meet for the first time since split over Iran nuclear deal
The Israeli and US leaders are to meet as the relationship between the allies is at a historic low.
Putin named world's most powerful man for 'doing what he wants'
For the first time in the list's history, the US President has not ranked first or second.
US election 2016: President Obama says Republicans 'occupy a different reality'
Obama made fun of his Republican rivals at a Democratic fundraiser on New York's Broadway.
White House denounces Speaker Paul Ryan's immigration comments as 'preposterous'
It says the new speaker of the House was 'pandering to the extreme right wing' of his party.
White House refuses to make Clinton and Obama emails public
The executive office says making these public is a breach of the President's 'executive privilege'.
Syria conflict: Russia warns of 'proxy war' as US prepares to deploy ground troops
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov calls for greater military co-operation with Washington.
President Obama praises police officer who defused teen confrontation with dance-off
The police officer challenged Aaliyah Taylor to a dance-off and won.
Nelson Mandela, Pope Francis and Narendra Modi among millennials' most admired leaders
Millennials have voted for the leaders that inspire them the most with Nelson Mandela coming out as a favourite.
Donald Trump thinks world would be safer if Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were in power
Trump had earlier expressed discontent over the US' policy towards Syria.
Black Lives Matter: Barack Obama makes first public statement on movement [video]
US president called it a 'legitimate issue' during discussion on criminal justice issues.
The endless whodunnit: Why conspiracy theorists will never accept who shot JFK
A recent photo of Oswald holding the murder weapon has proved to be authentic
Isis conflict: Justin Trudeau says Canada will withdraw from bombing campaign in Syria and Iraq
Canada's PM-designate informed US President Barack Obama of his intentions in a phone call.
New and improved Air Force One to cost $3bn
The plane will be capable of resisting nuclear blasts and deflecting heat-seeking missiles.
North Korea rules out nuclear talks but ready for peace treaty with US
Pyongyang reacts to Barack Obama-Park Geun-hye statement.
US election 2016: Next president likely to be Republican says study
President Obama's low approval rating hurts Democratic party's chances, analysis finds.
Ali Mohammed al-Nimr: Mother of protester sentenced to crucifixion pleads for Obama to intervene
Nusra al-Ahmed has claimed Nimr was tortured in prison.
A-List Insider: Playboy drops naked pictures, Daniel Craig would avoid James Bond in real life
Entertainment editor Toyin Owoseje rounds up the celebrity stories of the week.
Pakistani leadership was aware of Osama bin Laden's hideout claims ex-defence minister
Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar asserted his claim in an interview to the Indian television channel CNN-IBN.
US President Barack Obama: San Diego wedding crasher?
The president accidentally crashes Stephanie and Brian Tobes weekend wedding while golfing.
Barack Obama's apocalyptic warnings about our oceans betray the opportunities hidden in their depths
We should take a Venetian attitude to our oceans, argues Dr Dominic Standish.
President Obama: Republican candidate Donald Trump won't become president
US President Barack Obama spoke of Trump's chances in an interview with CBS
Washington Post journalist Jason Razaian convicted in Iran
The US State Department has said there is no concrete information on Rezaian's verdict.
President Barack Obama offers Kayne West advice on how to run for office [Video]
Obama jokingly asked his audience if they would elect a black guy from Chicago's south side as president.
Poll shows Clinton presidential nomination lead waning in run up to TV debate
Rival Bernie Sanders closes the approval gap by 10% in the race to replace Barack Obama.
Spencer Stone stabbed: France train attack hero hospitalised after Sacramento assault
Spencer Stone has been stabbed repeatedly in California, mere months after foiling gunman on packed train.
WikiLeaks offers $50,000 reward for video of MSF Kunduz Hospital bombed in US air strike
Whistle-blowing organisation issues bounty for information about US bombing of MSF hospital.