> property
How ordinary savers can invest in the luxury London property market
CapitalRise is a crowdfunding platform for investing in high-end London real estate.
Basildon in Essex tops UK list of areas with the fastest growing house prices
Office for National Statistics said London commuter town Basildon saw house prices rise by nearly a fifth.
Asking prices crash for homes in Camden as expensive London areas struggle
Rightmove said house sellers in London slashed asking prices entering December.
Inside some of the most stunning barn conversions for sale on the property market
Barn conversions offer a wealth of space and character but with all the modern touches property hunters want.
Buy-to-let transactions crash at haart amid 'war on landlords'
National Housing Market Monitor report from haart shows sharp fall in number of landlords buying property.
UK house prices edged up in November as a property supply slump entered its ninth month
Rics survey in November 2016 shows rising demand putting pressure on house prices as supply stalls.
House price rise accelerates in November but 'growth may slow over the coming months'
Halifax house price index for November shows increase in annual growth rate to 6%.
House prices in prime central London fall by nearly 5%, says Knight Frank
Knight Frank prime central London sales index for November 2016 also shows 25% drop in transactions.
Should we abolish stamp duty on house purchases and replace it with a yearly tax on property owners?
Many economists argue stamp duty makes the housing market less efficient and should be replaced.
UK gentrification hotspots for house prices revealed - do you live in one?
Zoopla data shows areas of the UK where gentrification has sent house prices soaring the most.
'Crossrail effect' sends house prices along Elizabeth Line surging
Lloyds Bank says Crossrail has pushed prices up fastest in Forest Gate, Abbey Wood, and West Drayton.
Meet Gary Linton, the young property developer who went from his living room to a £300m portfolio
Linton, 31, just completed The Maple Building, his flagship scheme in Kentish Town.
Ballrooms and wine cellars: A look at London's most expensive homes for sale
London house prices are among the highest in the world — and this is the priciest property on the market.
Knight Frank denies closing super-prime property department as two partners leave amid rumours
Super-prime residential property market hit hard by stamp duty hikes as transactions down 90%.
Landlords cash in on bumper returns as rents hit record high amid buy-to-let tax hikes
Rents set to rise in 2017 as landlords pass down cost of tax increases to tenants, says Kent Reliance report.
Airbnb cracks down on London hosts who ignore 90 days planning rule
Planning rules state entire homes available for holiday lets for over 90 days must get council permission.
London house prices set for shock fall in 2017 and slowdown will spread across UK
Knight Frank says London will be the only region of the UK to see house prices fall in 2017.
UK house prices moving 'onwards and slowly but surely upwards'
Robert Gardner, Nationwide's chief economist, says demand improving despite weaker economic outlook.
Renting Londoners who want to start a family face a 'harsh reality' as housing costs spiral
Property Partner research shines light on high cost of moving up rental ladder to start family.
Could bungalows be an answer to London's housing crisis?
Conservative London Assembly member Andrew Boff claims there is 'massive demand' for bungalows.
Mortgage approvals rise despite property market concerns
Home loan data from the Bank of England shows stability in the housing market.
George Osborne's 'extreme' stamp duty hikes sent sales of £1m+ homes crashing
Analysis of Land Registry data reveals scale of drop in home sales linked to 2014 stamp duty reforms.
London house prices rocket to 14.2 times average pay amid severe housing shortage
Hometrack says in UK Cities Index for October 2016 that 'impetus for house price growth shifting north'.
Housebuilding jumps as chancellor unveils extra billions for housing — is it too little, too late?
DCLG data shows there were 38,730 new housing starts in England during the three months to September.
Mortgage lending for home purchases in London tumbles
Data from Council of Mortgage Lenders shows dip during Q3 in number and value of mortgages.
Landlords warn tenants to prepare for rent hikes if letting fees are banned
Philip Hammond set to use Autumn Statement to switch burden of letting agent fees from tenants to landlords.
Property industry is asking Philip Hammond to reverse Osborne's tax hikes — is he listening?
George Osborne overhauled property taxation but the sector hopes his successor Hammond will be different.
Barcelona council slaps Spain's major banks with fines for leaving city homes empty
Mayor Ada Colau said Barcelona 'stands up to speculation' as she unveiled the fines.
Is Airbnb making the London housing crisis worse?
Professional landlords are reportedly using the holiday lettings platform, and City Hall is looking to regulate.
Number of new affordable homes plummets to record low
DCLG plays down figures as the start of a new housebuilding cycle, but Labour calls the drop 'disastrous'.