> racism
The left must confront its ugly anti-Semitism problem
There is a discernible barrier between the right and its lunatic fringes – but this doesn't exist in Labour.
Boris Johnson embroiled in race row after 'part-Kenyan' jibe against Barack Obama
Mayor of London claimed US President harbours anti-British sentiments because of his ancestry.
Black man beats 'drunk racist' after being repeatedly called 'n*****' on subway
The video shows the black man as he kicks and punches the white man before kicking him off the train.
Ukip activist dubbed 'stupid' by his own party after blacking-up on Facebook
Jack Neill, from Hamilton in Scotland, posed in the bath with a blacked-up face 'for entertainment'.
Mind the Gap: Clothing store apologises for 'passively racist' kids advert
The girl's mother, actress Brooke Smith said everyone needs to 'calm down'.
Cultural appropriation: From dreadlocks to keffiyehs – don't mimic cultures you don't understand
There is no look within communities of colour that has not been used to either typecast or vilify.
Next time you contact me, Zac Goldsmith, remember that I'm more than an ethnic name
Crass racial profiling from the Tory government won't secure the Indian vote in the London Mayoral election.
Germany: Deinster SV footballers 'black up' in a show of solidarity
The lower league club digitally altered a team photo to send a message against racism.
Hamilton producers regret confusion over 'non-white' casting call but they don't want white actors
Imagine if the audition called for 'whites only,' says angry civil rights attorney.
San Francisco white university student with dreadlocks grabbed for 'appropriating' black culture
San Francisco State University has launched an investigation into physical confrontation.
Croydon man arrested for 'inciting racial hatred' after stopping Muslim woman to 'explain Brussels'
Matthew Doyle faced a strong backlash after tweeting about the incident.
Britain's race hate crime victims include 104-year-old pensioner and four-year-old child
Victims – both young and old – were targeted because of race, disability, and religious beliefs.
Muslim women across the US taking self-defence classes after surge in hate crimes
Many groups are blaming Donald Trump's incendiary rhetoric for the rise in violence.
Archbishop of Canterbury says it is not racist to fear immigration
Justin Welby calls on British MPs to put the public's mind at ease over immigration.
Whether it's Chris Rock's Asian joke or a black MP labelled a cleaner, stereotypes matter
You don't necessarily have to be a bad person to perpetrate racial prejudice unconsciously.
Japanese lawmaker Kazuya Maruyama apologises after calling President Obama a descendant of slaves
Maruyama, a member of Prime Minsiter Shinzo Abe's Liberal Democratic Party, apologised on 17 February.
How will the world cope with an unabashedly black Beyonce?
An ode to black power will be in the top 10 – and everyone simply has to deal with it.
Arizona: Desert Vista students under fire for posing in t-shirts spelling out racial slur
36,000 sign petition calling for the girls to be expelled from Desert Vista school.
White privilege: Portland Community College to dedicate month to challenging 'problem of whiteness'
Portland Community College will spend April 2016 looking at the roots of racism and white privilege.
Mein Kampf: How to read Adolf Hitler's psychotic Nazi 'bible' in today's troubled Europe
The new sold out critical version in Germany is needed to confront race hate and stop the rise of far right.
Brooklyn 'gang rape': police make fifth arrest after alleged horrific assault in local park
Brooklyn gang rape case grows murky as bizarre allegations and video footage add to confusion.
State of the Union 2016: Obama chides Republicans for anti-Muslim rhetoric
Obama was delivering his last State of the Union speech to Congress before leaving office next year.
Cologne sex attacks: Ukip deputy leader Paul Nuttall demands to know where refugees live in UK
Nuttall has said David Cameron must tell people where Syrian refugees are due to be housed.
Thailand: Seoul Secret beauty pill advert criticised over 'be white to win' campaign
Pale complexion is highly valued in Thailand, particularly by women, and associated with high social status.
Oliver Letwin's comments and the 2011 riot response show 'racist' attitudes haven't changed
Letwin's comments show how detached those in power can be from what's going on in our communities.
Oliver Letwin: Should Tory grandee resign over 'racist' comments about the Broadwater Farm riots?
David Cameron's policy chief accused of racism over advice to Margaret Thatcher after 1985 riots.
Oliver Letwin at centre of race row over comments made about black people in memo
Conservative minister Oliver Letwin said blacks would spend money on discos and drugs in 1985.
Islamophobic hatred and anti-Muslim rhetoric has moved from the margins to the mainstream
Donald Trump and Tommy Robinson are only extreme examples of a wider racist agenda.
Cecil Rhodes was a racist, but so were many Victorians. We can't erase all bad guys from history
The sanitisation of improper thought seems to be what a generation of progressive student activists are aiming for.
London Islamophobic attack: Woman 'subjected to racist abuse' on Kings Cross-Peckham bus
Officers were called to reports of a woman being subject to racist abuse on a route 63 bus in Southwark.