> Republicans
Trump's US 'Thank You' tour set to kick off on 1 December in Cincinnati
America's president-elect will hold rallies similar to those that marked his triumphant campaign.
President-elect Donald Trump faces party backlash over flag-burning tweet
The Republican's words triggered strong disagreement within his own party.
'King of bankruptcy' Wilbur Ross tipped to join Team Trump as commerce secretary
Reputedly worth $3bn, Ross was a key figure behind Trump's election rhetoric on the economy.
Donald Trump disavows alt-right supporters days after white nationalists chanted 'Hail Trump'
Trump defended his chief strategist, Steve Bannon, and denied Bannon was a racist or member of the alt-right.
Obama says he will give Trump presidency a chance but will speak out if needed
The sitting president did encourage Democrats to work with the incoming president for the good of the country.
Mike Pence not ruling out waterboarding during Trump Administration
Pence was responding to comments made by Arizona Senator John McCain, who is against waterboarding.
Trump supporter cites WWII Japanese internment camps as 'precedent' for Muslim registry
Carl Higbie maintains Trump does not advocate internment camps nor is he afraid of the Muslim community.
President-elect Trump offers national security adviser position to retired Lt Gen Michael Flynn
Flynn was once paid to appear at a gala with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Trump transition announces appointees will be required to sign 5-year ban on lobbying
Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said four landing teams are being sent to national security agencies.
Mike Pence bans lobbyists from Trump's transition team amid continued turmoil
The vice president-elect has also reportedly gutted the transition's 'landing teams' as well.
Trump dismisses transition team disorganisation stories
Freeze on hiring lobbyists and trouble finding Republicans putting strain on Trump transition team
Trump transition team shake up: Mike Rogers steps down as national security advisor
Rogers was allegedly pushed out due to his close relationship with Chris Christie.
Anti-Semitic incidents stoke fear among Jews after Trump win
Trump chief strategist Stephen Bannon's ties to anti-Semitic movement sends dread through Jewish community.
Donald Trump picks RNC's Reince Priebus as White House Chief of Staff
Trump also chose Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist and senior counselor.
Could Donald Trump be impeached before being inaugurated?
The president-elect faces a number of lawsuits, including a fraud case involving the defunct Trump University.
Republican majority in Congress will make it easier for Trump to enact policies
The newly elected US president will not face the hurdles Barack Obama dealt with.
Republicans win majority in Senate and House of Representatives as Trump is elected president
Trump may face opposition from the supposedly friendly legislature as he looks to enact his policies.
Early exit polls reveal American voters are not too excited about Clinton or Trump
Both candidates are viewed unfavourably, with the GOP nominee deemed more dishonest and untrustworthy.
Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in eight out of nine polls ahead of Election Day
Clinton's chances of winning the White House are rated as high as 90% in one analysis.
Trump supporter wears T-shirt calling for journalists to be lynched
The Republican presidential candidate has alleged a media conspiracy to keep him from office.
Latinos cast early ballots in record numbers across key battleground states
The surge in voting in Nevada, Arizona and Florida could swing those states in Hillary Clinton's favour.
Melania Trump vows to combat bullying on social media as first lady
The former model made a rare appearance in Pennsylvania rally as she tried to woo female voters.
Early voting update: Numbers up from 2012 and Nevada looking promising for Clinton
Nevada Democratic voters continue to outpace Republican voters in early voting.
Donald Trump refuses to pay campaign pollster nearly $767,000
A new FEC filing reveals the GOP nominee has disputed a bill by well-regarded pollster Tony Fabrizio.
Early voting in North Carolina and Florida showing positive signs for Hillary Clinton
Early voting is underway in 37 states with less than two weeks left before Election Day.
Former congressman Joe Walsh says if Trump loses 'I'm grabbing my musket'
Walsh later clarified that he meant he would protest or engage in acts of civil disobedience.
Trump claims Clinton's Syria policy will lead to World War III
The GOP nominee says the US should focus on defeating Isis instead of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
How a hard Brexit could endanger Northern Ireland's fragile peace process
The prospect of border controls with the Republic could give succour to dissident republicans.
Early voting kicks off in several states as preliminary data shows tight race for Clinton and Trump
Early voting could account for 40% of the votes cast in the 2016 presidential election.
Trump supporters chant Nazi-era term 'lügenpresse' to media and harass journalists online
The term, which means 'lying press' in German, was once used by the Nazis to discredit the media.