> Russian President Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin
EU Referendum: Military top brass claim Brexit would put UK at greater risk
Military chiefs risk ire from "out" camp by saying UK needs EU protection from Russia and Isis.
Shocking new Russian ad: 'Smoking kills more than Obama'
Moscow mayor aide says ad is not legit and will be removed but liberal Russian MP 'disgusted.'
Syria: Russia 'kills more civilians than Isis or Assad regime' claims human rights group
Human rights report claims a minimum of 1,382 civilians killed during Syria conflict in January 2016.
Russia: Toy boy 'husband' of former Mrs Putin, Lyudmila, gets public backing
A Russian publication says Lyudmila Putina, 58, changed her name and married a man 21 years her junior.
Syria: Opposition compares Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad to Adolf Hitler at Geneva peace talks
Salem al-Mislet said Syria was suffering under al-Assad and 'Russia will produce a new Hitler'.
Litvinenko inquiry: Russia claims it could sue UK over claims of Putin's involvement in killing former spy
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the report would strain relations between Russia and the UK.
US Treasury claims Vladimir Putin is a 'picture of corruption'
US Treasury official claims that Vladimir Putin is corrupt and that the US government was aware of this for "many, many years".
Litvinenko inquiry: Men accused of killing former Russian spy left polonium traces in British embassy
Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitry Kovtun said to be so contaminated with polonium that traces were found after their visit.
Alexander Litvinenko may have been ready to testify about Russian mafia and Moscow links
The 44-year-old was murdered by drinking tea laced with polonium-210 at a hotel in London.
Japan PM Shinzo Abe urges talks with Russia over disputed Kuril Islands
The islands, seized by former Soviet Union, are administered by Russia.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky: 'I'm considering asking UK for asylum' after murder summons
The former oil tycoon and scourge of Vladimir Putin is considering escaping Russia's grasp with UK asylum application.
Vladimir Putin: Russian President hails Russian intelligence agencies on annual 'Spies Day'
The former KGB officer honoured members of the Russian security intelligence services.
Moscow: UK officials discuss Russian fighter plane incursions to avoid Turkey repeat
Russian fighter planes have approached British airspace and been escorted away in recent months.
Ukraine conflict: 9,000 dead and 20,000 injured since war began in 2014
Report by UNHCR says there has been a sharp decline in casualties since ceasefire declared
Russia: 'Putin's banker' Sergei Pugachev ordered to appear in British court
Pugachev says case is part of a move to seize his assets after he fell out with Russian president
Ramzan Kadyrov: Chechen leader promises revenge on Isis after Russian citizen beheaded
The head of the Chechen Republic has promised to avenge the death of the man from the Chechen capital of Grozny.
Putin slams US for not controlling Turkey's actions in the downing of its jet over Syria
Putin claims flight path of jet was on passed to the US-led coalition fighting Isis in Syria.
War on Isis: French government appeals directly to UK to take military action in Syria.
Government minister Jean-Yves Le Drian says he wants the RAF to use its precision equipment to help bomb the jihadists in their Syrian thiefdom.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel promises 'military' force against Isis after Paris attacks
Germany has provided Kurdish rebels with arms and training but will now step up military force.
Syria: Russian embassy in Damascus hit by two rockets during pro-Putin demo
Rockets crashed into embassy as 300 people gathered to express support to air strikes.
Syria migrant crisis: Fears Russian involvement could force '3 million more' to flee for Europe
UNHCR says influx of Syrian refugees is biggest migrant crisis since World War II.
Syria: 'War crime' inquiry to probe if French among political victims of Assad regime
French inquiry is based on over 55,000 photos showing torture and murder of al-Assad's opponents.
Syria civil war: International peace talks 'to be held in October'
Russian deputy foreign minister says US, Saudi, Iran, Turkey and Egypt will discuss Syria conflict solution.
Isis in Syria: French jets 'wipe out' Islamic State training camp during first air strikes in Syria
President Francois Hollande tells United Nations, President Assad cannot be part of Syria peace deal.
Russia and Estonia 'swap spies' at a bridge linking the 2 countries
Echoes of the Cold War as East and West exchange spies at bridge on on remote border.
Syrian conflict: Dozens of Aleppo civilians killed by surface-to-air- missiles 'fired by Assad forces'
250,000 have died in Syrian civil war with millions more displaced overseas by the conflict.
Russian military presence in Syria continues as T-90 tanks spotted at Latakia
Russia insists it is complying with international law as it sends Assad reiforcements
Sir Elton John calls for meeting with Vladimir Putin on LGBT rights
Entertainer and Aids campaigner Sir Elton John is keen to meet Russian president over his 'ridiculous' attitude to the LGBT community.
Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko accuses rebels of launching heaviest attack in 6 months
Pro-Russian rebels deny Ukrainian claims and accuse Ukraine of shelling village of Novolaspa.
Russia: Putin to step down in 2019 says Kremlin critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once Russia's wealthiest man, says President Vladimir Putin is "unpredictable" and "irrational."