> Science
Phone batteries could last weeks with smart display breakthrough
Scientists develop new display technology that uses less power, which could lead to recharging only once a week
Biofuel creators champion whisky by-products over ethanol
The ABE process involves blending pot ale and draff – two residues that make up 90% of whisky distillery output.
Scientists identify the protein enabling the malaria parasite's to rapidly infect people
Research has shown that cyclin proteins enable cells in the parasites to divide quickly and could lead to treatments.
Prince George's future face predicted by scientists
Scientists can now offer a glimpse of how the third in line to the British throne will age.
Invisible fighter jet and warship technology breakthrough unveiled by Chinese scientists
Next-gen stealth material can be stretched over aircraft and warships.
Breakthrough Prize 2015: Star-studded ceremony honours top scientists
Awards went to the best life scientists, physicists, mathematicians, and one outstanding high school student.
The secret to speeding up a slow computer? Sing to it, according to researchers
Scientists discover 'singing' to data using acoustic sound waves could be the key to speeding up a slow computer.
John Lewis Christmas ad vs science: Man on the Moon would bloat to double size and die painfully
'The water in your body turns into vapour beneath your skin.'
Why are anti-vaxxers so persuasive? Pseudoscience, misinformation and healthy behaviour
Anti-vaccination campaigners falsely claim jabs are linked with autism, brain injury and other dangers.
Unbreakable glass that's as strong as steel created by scientists in Japan
University of Tokyo develops unbreakable glass that could revolutionise construction, manufacturing and dinner parties.
Venus, Mars, and Jupiter will dance in a cosmic triangle in rare planet formation
Venus, Mars, and Jupiter will come close together in the sky before dawn, in a "planetary dance" which will be admired by stargazers and astronomers worldwide.
China: Revotek releases world's first 3D blood vessel bioprinter
With two nozzles working alternatively, the bioprinter can finish a 10cm blood vessel within two minutes.
Scientists create blackest material ever seen
Researchers develop light-absorbing material that was inspired by a beetle.
Cheese is not 'as addictive as drugs', no matter what 'experts' tell you
Following a recent spike in articles saying your favourite dairy product is addictive, we took a closer look...
Five second rule: Is it really OK to eat food that's fallen on the floor?
When you drop a piece of food on the floor, is it really OK to eat if you pick up within five seconds?
The theory of parallel universes is not just maths – it is science that can be tested
How to find parallel universes
Americans score favourably on science knowledge
Americans on average give more correct than incorrect answers on questions of science.
Magnetic wormhole created in laboratory
Scientists generate a wormhole that sends a magnetic field from one point in space to another.
PTBP1: The protein that made us the smartest animals on Earth
Mammals have another form of PTBP1 which separates us from non-mammals
ESA astonomers excited about Rosetta comet reaching orbit position closest to sun
The comet and Rosetta spacecraft were due to align today but it will be months scientists process results.
Wearable iSkin silicone controls your smartphone with a tap of your arm
iSkin is a wearable silicone which is touch and pressure sensitive and can control a connected phone
China builds world's largest radio telescope
The world's largest radio telescope is now under construction in Pingtang
Sea levels could rise by 20ft as climate change takes its toll
Scientists studied how the Poles reacted when the earth has experienced similar high temperatures.
LightSail spacecraft spreads its solar sails
Privately funded space project to demonstrate innovative solar sail passed with flying colours.
IBS blood test developed by US scientists is world's first
Scientists have developed a new set of blood tests to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Paralysed man drinks beer using bionic arm and chips implanted in his brain
Erik Sorto, paralysed 13 years ago, controls bionic arm with chips embedded into his brain
Invisibility box slows, bends and speeds light up to make your phone and keys disappear
Hide your phone and keys from burglars with the box which bends light to make them invisible.
Gulf of Mexico explorers' encounter with whale becomes a 1.5million-views YouTube hit
Exploration vessel crew has an unexpected encounter with an 11m sperm whale on a routine trip.
IBM Watson taps into Apple HealthKit and ResearchKit to create connected future of healthcare
IBM to use Watson artificial intelligence system with Apple HealthKit and ResearchKit to spearhead medical revolution
Created 'by accident' - New bendable smartphone battery has one-minute charge time
A new type of smartphone battery created 'by accident' is bendable, charges in one minute, and can be charged daily for 20 years.