MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire South described how she is "so disappointed" with Labour leader, condemning his views of Scottish Independence
Scotland's first minister to wait until negotiations are over before deciding whether to hold second referendum.
There are no top-level elections planned until the next general, in 2022.
From bendy bananas to Scottish independence - a timeline of turmoil and chaos.
The SNP today published its manifesto Stronger for Scotland.
Latest poll will come as a blow to Sturgeon, who has been pushing hard for a second referendum.
In a post-truth world, not every referendum is democratic.
If a nation can't understand the basis on which others are deciding its future, the time has come to opt out.
The SNP leader said Theresa May's decision was a 'huge political miscalculation'.
Alfonso Dastis said Spain would not block Scotland's bid from rejoining the EU.
To deny a second Scottish independence referendum - IndyRef2 - would be democratically indefensible.
The newspaper put more emphasis on body parts rather than Brexit or Scottish independence.
The prime minister will give an address north of the border to kickstart a politically significant week.
Former Bank of England chief foresees no major problems with currency in an independent Scotland.
A constitutional convention after Britain leaves the EU could decentralise power across the UK.
The Conservative said she was 'furious' Sturgeon is using Brexit to push for IndyRef2.
Sturgeon spoke to a buoyant crowd at the SNP Spring Conference.
The former Labour leader wants to levy Brexit to gain more powers for Holyrood.
Conservative premier was given a standing ovation by hundreds of party activists for the address.
UK prime minister also accused Sturgeon of being 'muddled' over her party's pro-EU position.
Former first minister previously argued that Scotland would be able to keep using sterling.
The PM is taking a political gamble on the outcome of the Scottish elections in 2021.