> space
European Space Agency Launches Gaia Mission to Study a Billion Stars
Gaia to create most accurate map of the Milky Way.
Geminid Meteor Shower Lights up Sky with Shooting Stars
The annual Geminid meteor shower was described as 'perfect' and 'phenomenal' this year.
China Lands Spacecraft on Moon [VIDEO]
Unmanned mission touches down on lunar surface two weeks after launch.
Chinese 'Jade Rabbit' Space Probe to Land on Moon
China's first robotic lunar rover to land on Saturday, with more missions planned in 2017.
Britain's Inmarsat Launches Ambitious New Space Project
London-based firm Inmarsat launches commercial I-5 F1 satellite into space as it expands mobile satellite services.
Death of Comet of the Century Ison Exaggerated?
Astronomers hopeful Comet Ison survived perihelion with sun and will survive to light up skies again.
Virgin Galactic Accepts Bitcoin Payments for Space Flights
Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic accepts bitcoins as payment for commercial space flights.
UFO-like Object Spotted in Space Beyond Mars by Hubble Telescope
An unexplained sphere described by Nasa as 'weird and freakish' with shooting jets of matter was spotted in the solar system.
Russia: Cosmonauts to wear Bamboo Undergarments in Space
Russian space-explorers to be given bamboo clothing as it is lighter and more durable.
Gravity: Sandra Bullock and George Clooney Star in Spectacular Space Odyssey [FILM REVIEW]
Gravity is a spectacular space drama that exceeds the outer limits of what cinema had previously achieved.
Saturn and Jupiter have Diamond-Studded Atmospheres
Atmospheres of Saturn and Jupiter have as much as ten million tons of diamonds.
Universe's Loneliest Planet Discovered Floating Aimlessly With No Star
Young planet that has no star to orbit found 80 light years from Earth.
Group in Russia's Ural Mountains Region Worships Meteorite
Believers attach religious significance to space debris and talk of apocalypse.
Iran Plans for Persian Cat Astronaut 'Straight from Playbook of Wile E Coyote'
Animal rights groups accuse Iranian space agency of Cold War techniques for space exploration.
China: Man Facing Death Penalty over Baby Death in Parking Spot Row
Han Lei accused of killing toddler by picking her out of pram and throwing her to the ground.
Voyager 1 Reaches Interstellar Space 36 Years After Launch [VIDEO]
Measurements show spacecraft left heliosphere in August last year.
UFO Spotted Near Nasa's International Space Station [VIDEO]
The UFOs appeared in a recording made by the Space Station's observation cameras.
Nasa to Print Edible 3D Pizza For Astronauts
3D pizza printer will have ingredients with 30-year shelf life in cartridges.
Astronomy Photographer Awards 2012: Stunning Images Unravel Secrets of Space [SLIDESHOW]
Australia based photographer Martin Pugh has won the Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2012, a second time since the start of the competition.
Mars Mission: Nasa's Curiosity Rover Comes Under 'Paparazzi' [PHOTOS/VIDEO]
Curiosity rover sends low-resolution images of Mars surface, hours after its safe landing.
Mars Mission Kicks Off, Curiosity Rover Lands on Red Planet [FIRST PICTURES]
In one of Nasa's most ambitious missions, Curiosity rover makes touchdown on the Red Planet.
Chinese Shenzhou 9 Successfully Docks with Tiangong 1 [VIDEO]
The astronaut crew will carry out a series of experiments in the Tiangong-1 space lab in the next two weeks.
Space Pictures Reveal More Emperor Penguins in Antartica [PHOTOS]
A new study reveals that there are twice as many emperor penguins live in Antarctica than previously thought.
Why NASA is Going Overboard on Social Media Networks?
In its efforts to get connected with the general public, Nasa is planning to host several programs for social media followers.
Antarctic Algae Can be Seen from Space
The algae bloom, which is about 200 kilometres wide and 100 kilometres long, was photographed from the Modis instrument on Nasa's Terra Satellite, at least 650 kms from the Earth.