> space
Dark nebula: Spectacular image shows vast interstellar dust cloud that sucks in all light
Lupus 3, is located 600 light years from Earth within the constellation Scorpius, near the centre of the Milky Way.
Super blue blood moon 2018: What will we learn from the historic eclipse?
Tomorrow, a total lunar eclipse - which will be visible from Asia, Australasia and North and Central America - will coincide with a 'blue moon' and a 'supermoon'.
Earth's magnetic poles could be about to flip - with serious consequences for humanity
Earth's magnetic field is crucial to the survival of life on our planet as it deflects damaging cosmic rays and solar winds.
Scientists have discovered the origins of the most mysterious particles in the universe
These so-called "cosmic messenger particles" are some of the highest energy particles known to science.
What was it like witnessing the beginning of the universe?
New research has investigated the amount of light available in the newborn universe, which may offer some clues.
Nasa's Kepler telescope discovers three 'Super-Earths' orbiting cool dwarf star
The Kepler telescope has so far identified more than 2,300 confirmed exoplanets since beginning operations in 2009.
NASA is set to reveal its plans to send humans to the moon once again - on Trump's orders
The announcement will come two months after Donald Trump signed a new space policy directive instructing Nasa to return to the moon.
Nasa astronauts launch daring spacewalk to fix International Space Station robot arm
Spacewalking Nasa astronauts gave a hand to the International Space Station's big robot arm as the US federal government geared back up into action.
This astrophysicist has just proposed a new definition for planets
"While we think we know how planets form in a big-picture sense, there's still a lot of detail we need to fill in," says Kevin Schlaufman.
Life on Mars: The search for aliens has begun in the Canadian Arctic
Current instruments designed to search for alien life tend to be relatively large, heavy and power-hungry. In addition, they can only detect indirect biological signatures.
2002 AJ129: Kilometre-wide 'potentially hazardous' asteroid is hurtling towards Earth
In two weeks' time, a kilometre-wide space rock will skim past the Earth at speeds of around 67,000mph.
This star's bizarre behavior helped astronomers find a hidden, invisible black hole in the Milky Way
The star was found being "flung backwards and forwards" at several hundred thousand kilometer per hour speed, every 167 days.
Supermassive black hole caught snacking on gas and producing two enormous cosmic 'burps'
While astronomers have predicted this type of event before, it has never been observed directly in a distant galaxy.
Nasa creates amazing new navigation technique that could herald new era in space exploration
The technology works in much the same way as Global Positioning Systems on Earth, albeit on a cosmic scale.
Scientists discover huge water deposits on Mars that could sustain manned missions to the planet
Understanding water ice on Mars is key to unlocking the secrets of the Red Planet, according to scientists.
Alien signals? Data sheds new light on one of the biggest astrophysical mysteries of recent times
An unexplained source of powerful cosmic radio bursts is originating from an "extreme environment" that is among the most magnetic regions of the universe ever observed.
Astronomers have just observed some of the universe's earliest galaxies in unprecedented detail
Scientists detect "whirlpool"-like motion of gases inside galaxies which formed 800 million years after Big Bang.
Of all the planetary systems in the Milky Way galaxy, our Solar system is quite unusual
The new research has implications for understanding how planetary systems form, astronomers say.
Japanese astronaut grows 3 inches in space and is worried he won't be able to get back to Earth
A Japanese astronaut has spoken about his amazing growth spurt and concerns that he may not fit into his Earth-bound Soyuz space shuttle.
A Mars rover could discover life on the Red Planet – here's what it would take to prove it
In just two years' time, two rovers launch for Mars to look for signs of life – Mars2020 by Nasa and ExoMars by the European Space Agency and Roscosmos.
'Oumuamua: What are the origins of the cigar-shaped alien 'asteroid'?
The object made headlines in 2017 when it was confirmed as the first interstellar visitor to our solar system.
First direct evidence that supermassive black holes control star formation in galaxies discovered
The new findings confirm a decades-old hypothesis describing how the supermassive black holes at the centre of galaxies influence the birth of new stars.
The alien megastructure: Has riddle of 'most mysterious star in the universe' been solved?
Tabby's Star aka KIC 8462852 appears to be inexplicably dimming and brightening sporadically like no other star known to science.
Nasa has only just spotted an asteroid about to skim between Earth and Moon in 21,000mph near-miss
The near-earth asteroid 2017 YZ4 will pass closely between the Earth and the Moon at 3.56pm on 28 December, the first known asteroid to fly by within one lunar distance this month.
Nasa releases amazing image of an an asteroid with a snowman carved on its surface
Asteroids often collide with other objects as they hurtle through space, leaving their surfaces covered in various markings and craters.
Our solar system was born in the bubble created by the death of a giant star, say scientists
Scientists are still unsure of how exactly the solar system was created, despite huge advances in the field of astronomy.
Mystery of what happened to all of Mars' water solved
Water-absorbing rocks may be reason Martian surface is so dry, according to radical research by scientists.
Oldest fossils ever found indicate life in the Universe is 'common'
New findings show that a diverse a group of organisms evolved very early in Earth's history, making it more likely that life exists outside of our planet.
One of the strangest exoplanets just got even weirder as astronomers detect 'very special' orbit
Gliese 436b has mesmerized researchers due to its host of unusual features - including a massive, comet-like tail of vaporised gas that is 50 times larger than its parent star.
Alien object 'Oumuamua is covered in a strange organic coat created by cosmic rays
New research reveals more details about the first object ever detected in our own solar system to have originated from interstellar space