> space
Massive 'potentially hazardous' asteroid to skim past Earth in nearest miss since 1974
Phaethon will come within 10 million kilometres of Earth and will be visible through small telescopes in areas with low light pollution.
NASA discovers record eighth planet circling distant star using artificial intelligence
Kepler-90i is a scorching hot, rocky planet with an average temperature that is believed to exceed 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
Did life originate in space? Organic molecules could have formed on interstellar ice, researchers say
A new study lends credibility to the hypothesis that the building blocks for life originated in outer space.
This week in Space: The Big Bang theory, gold from alien worlds, distant new galaxies and more
From the Big Bang theory being classified as just a speculation to distant galaxies possibly hiding alien worlds – these the best space stories of the week.
This week in space: A new giant deadly planet, mysterious space signals, ISS alien bacteria and more
From 'alien' bacteria found on the space station, to mysterious deep space signals detected – these are the best space stories of the week.
Flying chariots and exotic birds: How 17th century dreamers planned to reach the moon
For hundreds of years, long before the arrival of space travel, people have dreamt of reaching the moon
Nasa have discovered a planet so unusual, it could rewrite the astronomy books
WASP-18b - which is 10 times more massive than Jupiter - has a choking atmosphere consisting of deadly carbon monoxide.
Hypnotising video from space shows lightning strikes and city lights as the Earth spins
Incredible footage of our planet shared by International Space Station commander Randy Bresnik reveals natural and man-made wonders.
China's 'Monkey King' satellite finds mysterious deep space signal while hunting for dark matter
The satellite detected a surprising spectral breach and a strange spike, which may help scientists uncover the origins of dark matter.
This is what astronauts see when they stop to watch the world go by
Nasa Astronaut Randy Bresnik took time out of his busy schedule to film this incredible footage of Earth from space.
Astronomers capture spectacular image of Milky Way as it 'snacks' on another galaxy
Large galaxies like our own need to constantly eat smaller galaxies to fuel themselves and ensure they don't die out.
Interstellar asteroid, beer in Mars, space dust transporting life to Earth – This week in space
From the odd cigar-shaped interstellar asteroid to the mysterious object shooting across the Heathrow airport – these are the best space stories of the week.
Leonid meteor shower 2017: Where and when to watch the stunning show of 'shooting stars'
The famous cosmic event occurs when Earth passes through the trail of debris left behind by icy comet Tempel-Tuttle.
This object will become the most distant ever visited by a spacecraft - and Nasa wants you to name it
In 2019, Nasa's New Horizons spacecraft will fly past a mysterious, distant object - currently known as (486958) 2014 MU69 - in the outer regions of the solar system.
Nasa recreated Mars on top of a volcano and isolated 6 people there for 8 months. I was one of them
Six researchers spent 8 months living in total isolation inside a small dome to assess the psychological impact of an extended Mars mission.
Out-of-control space station set to crash down to Earth and could smash into US
Chinese space agency has lost control of the craft, which means it could land in populated parts of Earth.
Remarkable 'zombie star' exploded, survived - and then kept on exploding
Astronomers have discovered a cataclysmic event that challenges everything we know about the death of stars.
The subterranean ocean on Saturn's moon Enceladus could have evolved life
Astronomers think that the icy moon is one of the best candidates for finding life outside our planet.
A1689B11: 11 billion-year-old spiral galaxy is the oldest ever discovered
A galaxy of this kind has never been confirmed so early in the universe's history, according to astronomers.
Theory of planet formation called into a question after a giant planet was found next to a tiny star
The existence of such a planet, which is the largest in comparison to its companion star ever discovered, was thought to be extremely unlikely.
The Orionid meteor shower will peak this weekend: Where and when can you see it?
It may be possible to see around 20 shooting stars passing through the sky every hour at peak viewing time.
What is space? The 300-year-old philosophical battle that is still raging today
Space is everywhere around us, but for centuries, philosophers and scientists have not been able to agree on what it actually is.
Earth could be hit by a huge solar flare in the next 100 years, wiping out technology
In 1859 a powerful solar flare caused telephone wires to burst into flames. But in today's technology-reliant society, a comparable event would be far more damaging.
Kronos: The planet-devouring star that has eaten the equivalent of 15 Earths
The star, nicknamed Kronos after the child-eating Titan of Greek mythology, is the clearest and most dramatic case observed to date of a sun-like star consuming its own planets.
Will a Nasa satellite predict when the Yellowstone supervolcano will erupt?
A breakthrough in the research, scientists believe, would help prevent humanitarian disasters and false alarms.
Brightest 'new star' ever discovered - and it's in a neighbouring galaxy
Novae occur when dying stars dramatically erupt back into life, suddenly becoming incredibly bright. When they were first observed, they were mistaken for new stars.
Rare photos taken by legendary Nasa astronauts being sold to the highest bidder
The images - from John Glenn and Buzz Aldrin - are up for auction. They are original, gelatin silver or chromogenic prints produced by Nasa following space missions.
Solar storm could plunge Earth into technological apocalypse, but giant shield might save us all
Giant solar storm could wipe out satellites and electricals but scientists propose giant magnetic shield to protect Earth
Charles Darwin's 150-year-old theory of how life on earth emerged gets thumbs-up from scientists
Darwin believed that life started forming on Earth after meteorites crashed into 'warm little ponds'.
Scientists make historic fourth detection of gravitational waves
Discovery is the first simultaneous observation from detectors on two different continents.