> space
Search for 'Planet Nine': astronomers seek help from amateur stargazers
The images to be searched are of the southern sky which is less explored.
Astronomers have found a star orbiting a black hole twice in an hour in the 'closest orbit ever'
The discovery was made using deep space telescopes in Australia and Nasa's Chandra and NuStar.
Belgian astronomers who found solar system name it after a beer
The recently-discovered system has a very Belgian connection.
Nasa finds India's lost Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft missing for 8 years orbiting the moon
The Indian spacecraft was last heard from in August 2009, before disappearing into space.
Why Nasa wants to create the coldest place in the universe by flying an ice box to space
Nasa's Cold Atom Lab has been designed to create temperatures 'over a 100 million times colder than the depths of space.'
There's a cute Google Doodle to mark Nasa's discovery of the Earth-like Trappist-1 planets
The planets could all contain water, Nasa scientists say, creating the conditions for alien life.
StarTram: MagLev creator wants to fire satellites into space through vertical hyperloop tube
James Powell has filed a patent outlining how his theoretical StarTram system could work.
Nasa scientist wants the Moon to become a planet by changing a definition
A body is only granted planet status if it meets a three-point criteria
The story of Felicette the 'astrocat' - the little French cat who became the first feline in space
She had to undergo spaceflight training before a successful mission in 1963.
The hunt for alien life on nearby exoplanet Wolf 1061c has begun
Astronomer Stephen Kane analyses a potentially habitable planet just 14 light years away.
Near miss for Earth as asteroid the size of a house streaks past at 10 miles per second
Astronomers say asteroid 2017 AG13 had similar destructive potential as Chelyabinsk strike in 2013.
Great British Take Off: Pie lovers launch meat and potato pastry into space
The savoury treat's space odyssey was recorded on camera.
Former astronaut and US Senator John Glenn dies in Ohio aged 95
He was the third US astronaut in space and the first to orbit the Earth.
Is there any way the Earth could survive when the Sun explodes in a few billion years?
A nearby star is showing what will happen when our Sun blows up at the end of its life cycle.
Globule in space acts as mirror to reflect X-rays from star in death throes
The Bok globule is a small cloud that gives birth to stars, and is most distant of its kind to have been discovered.
We could be living on Mars by 2030 – in this house
This Martian home would protect the first humans on the Red Planet from deadly cold and radiation.
Weird-looking lumpy metallic space rock found on Mars
The odd-looking lump has been named Egg Rock and is made of iron and nickel.
Watch a fiery sky lit up by radiowaves from 300,000 galaxies
If humans could see radiowaves then this is what the night sky would look like.
What has the Orionid meteor shower got to do with Halley's Comet?
A display of shooting stars will be visible tonight for the second evening in a row.
Rare fossil relic from ancient Milky Way could shed light on how our galaxy formed
Terzan 5 is a cluster of stars displaying unusual properties, never seen before by astornomers
Earth's carbon came from massive collision with Mercury-like planet 4.4 billion years ago
The element carbon is essential to the formation of life as we know it.
The strange 'age-defying' star that appears to be both very young and very old
The object, which lies 12,000 light years from Earth, has perplexed astronomers for years
China unveils first Mars mission details
If the mission is successful, China will become the second country to land a rover on planet after the US.
Virgin Galactic is now licensed to take passengers to space
SpaceShipTwo is now able to take passengers paying $200,000 a ticket into space.
Nasa's Juno probe sends back first image of Jupiter's moons via 'JunoCam'
The image shows the sunlit part of the planet and three of its four moons.
RoboGlove: Nasa's space station wearable to give factory workers on Earth a helping hand
RoboGlove contains components designed to mimic the human hand and will be used in medical rehabilitation.
Tim Peake: Capsule carrying International Space Station crew lands in Kazakhstan
Tim Peake, Tim Kopra and Yuri Malenchenko return to Earth safely from the ISS.
Tim Peake: ESA British astronaut prepares to leave ISS and return to Earth
British astronaut Tim Peake will land back on Earth in just a week, after six months aboard the ISS.
A Beautiful Planet: Toni Myers talks directing Nasa astronauts and the benefits of IMAX technology
Director also reveals why she chose Oscar-winner Jennifer Lawrence to narrate the stunning film.
Nasa verifies 1,284 planets including nine that 'might sustain life'
The findings by the Kepler telescope are Nasa's biggest new planet haul to date.