> space
Nasa mission to Mars astronauts will risk brain damage, blindness and memory loss
Long periods in space is causing pressure in astronauts' skulls, damaging their brain.
Nasa demonstrates 'future of space exploration' Super Ball Bot prototype
Video shows examples of the robot's impact, robustness and locomotion.
Psychedelic space: Nasa reveals vibrant Pluto and more colourful images of the universe
IBTimes UK looks at psychedelic space images released by Nasa using false colour.
Watch American astronaut become first person to play bagpipes in space
Kjell Lindgren played Amazing Grace as a tribute to a colleague who died in October.
John Lewis Christmas ad vs science: Man on the Moon would bloat to double size and die painfully
'The water in your body turns into vapour beneath your skin.'
Taurid meteor shower 2015: Watch belated 'Halloween fireballs' streak across the night sky
The Taurid meteor shower, from Comet Encke, will peak from 5 November.
Thailand: Video captures burning meteor as it lights up the sky
A dashcam in eastern Chonburi province, Thailand, captured a green fireball, believed to be a burning meteor.
Nasa Cassini probe makes lowest pass through ice plumes on Saturn's Enceladus moon
Scientists found that Enceladus is likely to possess an ocean containing liquid water.
Venus, Mars, and Jupiter will dance in a cosmic triangle in rare planet formation
Venus, Mars, and Jupiter will come close together in the sky before dawn, in a "planetary dance" which will be admired by stargazers and astronomers worldwide.
Apollo 15 astronaut Dave Scott's Bulova watch sells for $1.6m
World's only privately-owned watch to visit the Moon sells for out-of-this-world price at auction
Syfy strikes back: Network president Dave Howe talks about reclaiming the throne
'We needed to really reinforce our position as the home of science fiction and fantasy,' Howe tells IBTimes UK.
People should watch Star Wars 7 and come home to watch The Expanse, says Syfy EVP Bill McGoldrick
Exclusive: McGoldrick talks to IB Times UK about working with big Hollywood names like Steven Spielberg, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Bradley Cooper
Europe and Russia begin to make plans for a permanent settlement on the moon
An unmanned lander will be sent to the moon by 2020 to assess practicality of lunar base.
China's star wars weapons include 'missile-loaded satellites able to crash into International Space Station'
Leaked congressional report reveals fears of counterspace weapons targeting US satellites.
Nasa releases photos of Saturn's moon Enceladus
Spacecraft Cassini obtained the images during its flyby on 14 October.
Nasa: Don't panic about the 2-mile-wide asteroid which will shoot past earth on Saturday
The end's NOT nigh: Asteroid 86666 (2000 FL 10) will miss earth by 16 million miles, Nasa confirms
Draconid meteor shower: Where to watch the spectacular shooting stars in the UK and US
Draconid meteor shower, called the Draconids or the Giacobinids, will take place on 8 and 9 October.
Photos show Pluto's moon covered in mountains and canyons [Video/Photos]
The hi-res photos of Pluto's largest moon, Charon, were taken by the New Horizon spacecraft.
The Martian director Ridley Scott teases plot and production updates for Blade Runner and Prometheus sequel
"Blade Runner 2 will be set in 2050," says the director.
Blood supermoon: Footage from around the world
People from across the globe looked up to see a rare supermoon and lunar eclipse.
Why the supermoon eclipse could be a disaster for Nasa
Celestial spectacle could spell lights out for one of Nasa's most important spacecraft.
Nasa starts year-long isolation mission to simulate life on Mars
Nasa recruits have started a year of living in a dome near a Hawaii volcano.
ESA astonomers excited about Rosetta comet reaching orbit position closest to sun
The comet and Rosetta spacecraft were due to align today but it will be months scientists process results.
August astronomical events: Perseid meteor shower, new moon and supermoon
Perseid meteor shower will peak around 11 August followed by a supermoon on 29 August.
ISS Astronauts 'feeling great' one third of way through year in space
The pair are one third of the way through a record breaking year-long space mission.
China builds world's largest radio telescope
The world's largest radio telescope is now under construction in Pingtang
Chile: Astronomers discover Jupiter doppelgänger in distant solar system
Scientists in Chile's European Southern Observatory have identified a solar system reportedly similar to our own
Alien life and UFOs: Evidence about extraterrestrials to be revealed by German government?
Reports suggest that a German parliamentary department had been investigating extraterrestrial objects.
Nasa New Horizons finds dwarf planet Pluto sporting a giant heart
Nasa's New Horizons spacecraft reveals closest image of dwarf planet Pluto with a big heart-shaped area.
5-billion-year-old signal detected from deep space as part of Australian satellite project
Dr James Allison said: 'This catch shows we're going to bag a big haul of galaxies.'