Front runner is forging a pathway for a more rational, electable foreign policy platform for Republicans.
According to a recent survey, voters prefer to pick their party's presidential candidate directly.
Republican candidate made announcement following disappointing turn in the 26 April primaries.
Donald Trump victorious as Ted Cruz and John Kasich drop further behind the property mogul.
Sanders took home a surprising victory in Rhode Island, robbing Clinton of a five-state sweep.
The candidates announced a deal to concentrate their resources in state contests where each has a better shot.
The 21-year-old from Mississippi became a viral sensation after appearing in episode of the Maury show.
Cruz said: 'If Donald Trump dresses up like Hillary Clinton, he still can't use the little girl's restroom.'
There are 82 Republican delegates and 171 Democratic delegates up for grabs in the two states.
The Republican frontrunner's comment caused quite an uproar among his rivals.
Cruz said on 20 April that neither he nor Donald Trump could win the nomination outright.
A campaign memo predicts the GOP frontrunner will clinch the nomination by first round of balloting.
The building later turned blue to announce Hillary Clinton's Democratic primary win.
Wins give campaign boost ahead of the 26 April primaries in 5 states.
The Empire state has a large cache of delegates with 95 for the GOP and 247 for Democrats.
There are 95 delegates available to Republicans and 247 delegates available to Democrats.
'You have a right to be armed to protect your family,' the Texas senator said.
John Kasich opposes the toilet restriction, Donald Trump yet to address the controversial measure.
US presidential hopeful was behind 76-page court brief that equated sale of adult devices to promoting prostitution.
Trump lashes out again after rival Ted Cruz swept all of Colorado's 34 delegates.
Her lawyer releases names of entities from FBI to State Department that allegedly used escort service.
'I would not agree to having any CIA officer carrying out waterboarding again,' the CIA boss said.