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Vodafone Accused of “Pro-Regime Messages” in Egypt

Vodafone has found itself in hot waters after rights group accused the giant mobile operator, which has 23 million of costumers in Egypt, questioned its "loyalty" to the Mubarak government during the protests that led to the ousting of the former leader.

China Swiftly Blocks Google+

Just a day after its limited release, China swiftly decided to block Google+, highlighting once again the country's strict censorship practices.

35 Anonymous hackers arrested: Are LulzSec next?

With news of 35 alleged Anonymous members currently being detained by the authorities, many analysts have come to question just how long it will be until LulzSec finds itself in law enforcement agencies firing lines following its high-profile cyber attack on the U.S. Senate.

The Apprentice Week 11: Frying the "big fish"

In the penultimate episode of the Apprentice the five remaining candidates faced their toughest challenge yet. They had their grandiose claims about themselves challenged and examined by a tough team of Lord Sugar's henchpersons.