> trump twitter
trump twitter
Trump Twitter takedown: Five more times employees have gone rogue on their way out
A Twitter employee shut down Donald Trump's account on his last day of work, but what other ways have people exited?
'Have you told daddy?': Ivanka Trump roasted over 'irony' of her speech condemning sexual harassment
Ivanka Trump's remarks were immediately slammed on Twitter in light of her father's earlier misogynistic comments.
'Not all heroes wear capes': Twitter goes wild after Trump's account was shut down by rogue employee
The brief deactivation was widely cheered by social media users. "For 11 minutes, the world was able to breathe again," one Twitter user wrote.
'Smell of desperation': Trump says he's 'not angry' over Russia probe but Twitter isn't buying it
Naturally, Twitter had its doubts over Trump's remarks and responded with a slew of memes, jokes and questions.
'Love watching you squirm': Trump trolled as Russia probe heats up with Mueller's first indictments
"Grab some popcorn. This is going to be quite the show," one Twitter user wrote.
'It's Mueller time': Twitter mercilessly taunts Trump with viral #SignsYoureABadPresident hashtag
"When the entire world is struggling to decide who's more insane, Kim Jong Un or you #SignsYoureABadPresident," one Twitter user wrote.
'Totally Trump': Twitter is convinced this 1992 letter praising Donald Trump was written by him
Twitter ripped into the letter saying the author's writing style and overuse of superlatives sounded rather familiar.
'So full of s**t': Trump roasted after bragging he has 'one of the greatest memories of all time'
Donald Trump triggered a wave of criticism last week after he told the widow of a fallen soldier that her husband "knew what he signed up for".
'Hypocrite': Ivanka Trump trolled for praising US workers as the 'best' while using overseas factories
"It's absolutely stunning that people let this monumental level of bullsh*t slide," Cougar Town actor Bob Clendenin tweeted.
'Poor widdle Donny': Trump trolled as Senator Bob Corker calls on Twitter to #AlertTheDaycareStaff
One Twitter user wrote: "Someone needs his diaper changed, he's cranky."
'All hail the pumpkin king': Twitter hilariously mocks Trump's bright orange MAGA hats
"If Trump wears it, it will be invisible," one Twitter user wrote.
Sarah Sanders' tweet on the $4,000 'pay raise' under Trump's tax cut plan triggers brutal responses
Twitter responded to Sanders' question with a slew of snarky, sarcasm-laden and creative answers speculating how they would spend the potential $4000.
'Oh for the love of covfefe': Trump ruthlessly taunted for saying his tweets are 'well-crafted'
"I was always a good student," Trump said. "I'm, like, a kind of person who does well with that kind of thing."
'Pathetic': Trump blasted for playing golf as 5 ex-presidents unite for hurricane relief concert
Current US President Donald Trump did not attend the event in person but appeared in a recorded video message to concertgoers.
'What fresh hell is this': Donald Trump Jr mocked for posting 'weird' photoshopped photo of his dad
"Is he trying to be Thor and Superman at the same time?" one person questioned.
Trump's Twitter attacks on generals resurface after WH says it's 'inappropriate' to criticise them
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said it would be "highly inappropriate" to criticise four-star general and White House chief of staff John Kelly.
'Delusional old man': Trump trolled for giving himself a perfect 10 for Puerto Rico response
"Was the question how many times he golfed before going there?" one Twitter user asked.
'Heartless monster': Twitter rips into Trump over his 'cruel' remarks to widow of fallen soldier
Trump triggered a wave of criticism after telling a soldier's widow that her husband "knew what he signed up for".
'Poser alert': Ivanka Trump mercilessly mocked after saying she once went through a 'punk phase'
"The only thing Ivanka Trump was less committed to than her 'punk phase' was her feminism phase," one person tweeted.
'Oh dear God': Sarah Sanders mocked for saying America will be 'begging for 4 more years of Trump'
Twitter erupted with a slew of sarcasm-laden jokes, comments and memes in response to Sanders' assertion.
'That's not funny, that's evil': Twitter reacts to Trump joking Pence 'wants to hang' all gay people
"In 2017, we have to remind our president that it's never ok to "joke" about killing LGBTQ Americans... or anyone," Chelsea Clinton tweeted.
'Deranged animal': Trump blasted for falsely claiming Obama didn't call families of fallen troops
Donald Trump's claim immediately drew furious criticism from lawmakers, Barack Obama's former staff members and social media users.
'What a putz': Twitter mocks Rand Paul for saying Trump 'never loses' after playing golf with him
Trump and Paul have had a tense relationship since the two faced off in the Republican primary stage during the 2016 presidential election.
'What a moron': Trump mercilessly mocked for saying he met the 'president of the Virgin Islands'
The Internet erupted with a slew of jokes, snarky comments and memes in response to Donald Trump's latest gaffe.
'That look of shame': Twitter mocks Rand Paul's apparent discomfort when Trump walked into the room
Paul and Trump have had a rocky relationship since the two faced off during the Republican primary stage in the 2016 election.
'Disgusting beyond belief': Trump blasted for warning storm-hit Puerto Rico aid won't last 'forever'
Trump and his administration have faced criticism over the past few weeks over the delayed and ineffective response to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico.
'Dude, just stop': Twitter left cringing after Trump uses 'ridiculous' Spanish accent to say 'Puerto Rico'
"There's something wrong with this man," one Twitter user said.
'He's a monster': Twitter blasts Trump's 'disgusting' remarks and paper towel tossing in Puerto Rico
Trump has been heavily criticised over his administration's delayed and ineffective disaster response to the situation in Puerto Rico.
'Get him a dictionary': Trump trolled for calling police response to Las Vegas shooting a 'miracle'
"The real miracle will be if gun laws are ever passed to stop this from happening again," one Twitter user wrote.
'This isn't a Hallmark card': Trump trolled for sending 'warmest condolences' to Las Vegas victims
'What is this, a thank you note?' one Twitter user wrote.