> UK Economy
UK Economy
UK Economy Eyes 450,000 New Private Sector Jobs by 2015 General Election
But ICAEW/Grant Thornton warns British firms are witnessing a widening skills gap.
Britons Paying Higher Tax Rate Will Shoulder Two Thirds of Total Bill By 2015
HMRC revealed that those paying the 40p and 45p rate will pay 67% of the total tax bill.
UK Economic Recovery Bolstered as Consumer Confidence Rises
Number of employees experiencing pay rises has increased in 2014 according to YouGov/Cebr research.
Grant Thornton Reveals Economic Optimism at Pre-Recession Highs
Businesses are optimistic about the economic outlook; the highest it's been since 2007.
UK Economic Recovery Paves Way for £7bn in Tax Cuts
The Centre for Economics and Business Research said recovery allows George Osborne to implement tax cuts
HSBC Unveils £6bn in SME Lending on UK Economic Recovery
HSBC says investment forecast growth outstrips pre-recessionary business behaviour
Osborne Looks to Election with Hint of Tax Cuts to Come
Figures showing fuel tax cuts will boost economy used by chancellor to signal more ahead
SME Funding: Crisis of Cash Flow?
In this video exclusive special report, IBTimes UK looks at the challenges businesses have in finding funding, and what alternatives to the banks are available.
UK Trade Deficit Narrows Sharply but Exports Fall
ONS says UK trade deficit almost halves in three months to February.
UK Production Recovery Robust in February
ONS data shows UK production output lifting 2.7% across year.
UK Freelancers Signal Business Boom in 2014
PCG says statistics reflect surge in optimism among independent professionals.
Accenture Creates 2,000 UK Graduate and Senior Level IT Jobs
David Cameron hails the tech outsourcing giant for boosting Britain's economy
Britain's Biggest Firms to Invest £200bn in UK Economy
Deloitte: Four-fifths of £1bn-plus firms to put more money into UK economy over next two years
Budget 2014: UK Economy Will Grow Faster and Borrow Less for Two Years
UK Chancellor George Osborne upgrades 2014 and 2015 UK economic growth forecasts
Labour Pledges Compulsory Jobs Guarantee for 50,000 Long Term Young Unemployed
Labour Leader Ed Miliband and Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls will make the Compulsory Jobs Guarantee announcement.
Cost of Living: UK Wages Pushed up by New Year Pay Bounce
Median pay awards for UK employees in the three months to the end of January 2014 was 2.4%.
Centre for Policy Studies: Productivity is Key to Securing UK's Economic Recovery
Adam Memon says the task of restoring economic growth to the UK has been achieved.
UK Employment Watchdog: Work Experience is Crucial for Securing a Job
The UKCES says the main reason employers think young people are unprepared for work is a lack of experience.
Resolution Foundation: UK Economy Will Celebrate New High of Employment
But Matthew Whittaker warns without sustained improvement in wages, the recovery may yet run out of road.
UK Consumer Credit to Hit Highest Level Since 2010
EY ITEM Club expects credit to climb to £164bn this year
UK Workers £2,000 Worse off as Salaries Hit 16-Month Low
Wages stuck in post-recession hangover with average advertised salary dropping to £32,323.
Top UK Fund Manager: Let's Not Get Carried Away Over UK Recovery
Invesco Perpetual's Mark Barnett, who takes over from Neil Woodford in April, warns on strength of UK economy.
UK Chancellor George Osborne Tells Business Elite to Put Recession Behind Them
Banks and businesses give a mixed reaction to Osborne's tough message at the World Economic Forum
EU Referendum: Citi Pledges that 'Brexit' Will Damage UK Economy
Banking giant also warns UK leaving EU will reduce investment from international companies
UK Chancellor George Osborne Extends Austerity to Cut Taxes and Stabilise Economy
Osborne will announce tax pledges for lower income workers although austerity will be extended
Big UK Businesses Set for Further Expansion and Hiring with Revived Risk Appetite
Deloitte CFO survey said most CFOs feel now is good time to take risk onto their balance sheets.
Tories Risk Losing 2015 General Election Unless UK Wages Grow
Chancellor George Osborne must support consumers' incomes to maintain the recovery and win the next election.
FTSE in for 'Bullish Start' to 2014 Amid Global Recovery
Improving economic data from US to China to Europe sets up UK markets for solid start to New Year.
Three UK Economy Stories that will Dominate in 2014
UK house prices, the cost of living and the unemployment rate are ones to watch in 2014.
BoE: Don't Blame Zombie Firms for UK Productivity Slump
Bank of England study finds low interest rates keeping failing firms alive, not bank forbearance on loans.