> UK government
UK government
GCHQ plans 'Great British Firewall' to protect UK against hackers
GCHQ detected 200 'national security level cyberattacks' a month last year.
Theresa May risks 'disturbing precedent' by triggering Article 50 without MP approval
House of Lords Constitution Committee says it would be 'constitutionally inappropriate' to ignore parliament.
Buy-to-let: Three other ways you can invest in the UK property market
Britain's biggest buy-to-let investor Fergus Wilson has claimed "the age of the amateur landlord is over".
David Cameron quits as Conservative MP: Read former prime minister's statement
Cameron says he 'fully supports' Theresa May and has 'every confidence' the UK will thrive under her leadership.
Home Office on defensive after think tank warns UK Border Force is at 'breaking point'
Adam Smith Institute estimates more than 4,000 'high-risk' flights are not being properly screened every year.
Bank of England seeking 'new opportunities' to meet growing FinTech demand in UK
The BoE needs to 'do more to meet the growing demands of consumers'.
UK government's Brexit Department hit with £250,000 legal advice bill
Minister David Jones revealed the figure to former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg.
Watch Home Affairs Committee grill immigration minister amid Keith Vaz scandal
Vaz is expected to resign as chair of the powerful group before the 3.30pm session this afternoon.
Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith should address the 'elephant in the room' says immigration expert
Ed Miliband adviser Professor Thom Brooks spoke to IBTimes UK about the issue.
Theresa May's cabinet discuss Brexit exit strategy at Chequers
Conservative prime minister could trigger Article 50 next year to start negotiations with Brussels.
Tube trains, industrial machinery and geothermal energy could soon heat UK homes
UK needs to replace heat generation by gas-fired boilers with greener sources to meet climate change targets.
Theresa May urged to drop net migration target as ONS says level hit 327,000
The number dipped slightly but David Cameron promised to cut immigration to 'tens of thousands'.
Yemen conflict: UK in 'denial and disarray' over arms sales to Saudi Arabia, says Oxfam
Oxfam says the UK has become 'one of the most significant violators' of the international Arms Trade Treaty.
Labour supporters prefer Theresa May to Jeremy Corbyn says Ipsos MORI
Latest survey also gave the Conservatives an 11 point lead over Labour (45% versus 34%).
Treasury guarantees post-Brexit funding for projects losing EU cash
Stimulus package could cost up to £4.5bn per year, with farming subsidies promised until 2020.
Boris Johnson beats Nigel Farage in poll of most popular political pub landlord
More than one in five trusted the Foreign Secretary to pull pints at their local, YouGov says.
LGA says government should reaffirm minimum broadband speed commitment
There is a risk of thousands of homes and businesses falling into a 'digital twilight zone', the association says.
Boris Johnson makes first visit to US as foreign secretary with United Nations meetings
Johnson's UN trip to New York comes after a grilling from US media in London regarding his 'outright lies'.
Nice attack: Full statement from UK prime minister Theresa May after terror incident
New Conservative premier says she is 'shocked and saddened' by the events in southern France.
Chilcot Inquiry: Tony Blair's letters to George W Bush over Iraq to be declassified
Other documents which would normally be withheld for 30 years will also be released.
Labour crisis: Jeremy Corbyn full statement after vote of no confidence
He called on MPs to "unite behind my leadership at a critical time for our country".
EU referendum petition trolled by 4chan pranksters after Brexit poll 'hijacked' by bots
Petitions Committee delete 77,000 fraudulent signatures calling for EU referendum rerun.
Jeremy Corbyn: I'm not scared to talk about immigration – it has enriched our country, culture and communities
Read Labour leader's full speech as Corbyn reacts to the UK's decision to split from the EU
EU referendum: David Cameron targets older voters in last-ditch 'generational' Remain plea
Prime minister says elderly should think of their children when they go to the polls on 23 June.
Public needs to wise up to cybersecurity, warns TalkTalk hack report
UK government to bolster ICO capabilities with fines on firms that fail to protect data.
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange to stage global live-stream in bid to leave the Ecuadorian embassy
The WikiLeaks founder launched 'First they came for Assange' to raise awareness of his ongoing plight.
Trident: MoD watchdog report reveals skills shortage 'principal threat' to nuclear safety
The annual report from the MoD watchdog reveals skills gap issues have been mounting since 2006.
Did Margaret Thatcher's government play a role in India's 1984 Sikh Massacre?
British-Sikhs say Margaret Thatcher's government gave India military assistance during the 1984 Sikh riots.
EU referendum: Michael Gove says Brexit could boost NHS budget by £100m a week
Remain campaign dismisses Gove's funding boost claim as 'totally dishonest'.
Jeremy Corbyn demanded UK impose trade sanctions on Israel and bar its 'criminal' politicians
Current Labour leader wrote to the then Foreign Secretary William Hague in 2011, 2012 and 2013.