> uk politics
uk politics
Summer budget 2015 winners and losers: Bad for buy-to-let landlords and students, good for low paid and Nato
Welfare cuts came alongside an increase in wages for low-paid Britons.
Greek debt crisis: David Cameron to review UK contingency plans after 'critical' No vote
Number 10 says Cameron will do 'whatever is necessary' to protect the UK's economic security.
Chuka Umunna guns for Labour leadership: Is Britain ready for a black prime minister? [Poll]
British social attitudes survey suggests voters have some way to go on accepting other races.
Election 2015: Do women vote differently to men?
Ahead of the general election on 7 May, IBTimes UK looks at whether the 'women's vote' exists.
Lib Dem peer resigns after Channel 4 programme accuses him of breaching donor rules
Lib Dem Lord Strasburger resigns over alleged breach of donor rules, but denies any wrongdoing.
Treasury's Danny Alexander slams Osborne for £60bn in 'unnecessary cuts'
Danny Alexander said the Tories are leading a 'wilful destruction' of public services.
British politician of 2014? You decide [Poll now closed]
Farage, Brand, Sturgeon or Murphy? Vote in the IBTimes UK poll to decide.
Nigel Farage Accepts Ed Miliband's 'Debate Challenge' after Labour Leader Attacks Ukip
The Ukip leader says he wants a TV debate with Miliband after 24 November.
Prime Minister's Questions: Cameron and Miliband Come to Blows over EU Membership
The Labour Party leader accused the Prime Minister of being a "don't know" leader
Labour Holds Narrow Lead over Conservatives in 'Battleground' Seats Ahead of 2015 General Election
Lord Ashcroft poll finds Ed Miliband's party holds a three point lead across 12 constituencies.
Clacton By-Election: 'Phenomenal Performance Shows Ukip Can Deliver' – YouGov
Joe Twynam, of YouGov, tells IBTimes UK that Ukip 'mopped up votes from the left behinds'.
Euthanasia Law: Assisted Dying Bill Could Create 'Death Squads', Specialist Warns
Leading oncologist believes euthanasia will put too much power in hands of doctors.
Cabinet Reshuffle: New Education Secretary Nicky Morgan Faces Backlash Over Anti-Gay Marriage Vote
Nicky Morgan, appointed education secretary in Cameron's reshuffle, voted against gay marriage in 2013.
General Election 2015: Tories Face Conflict Between Battling Bankers and Staying Business Friendly
44% say they would be more likely to support a party if it was tough on big business
Ukip Leader Nigel Farage on the European Elections Campaign Trail
The booze and the boos: images from the UK Independence Party campaign trail.
Calling Ukip Stupid Racists Just Makes Nigel Farage's Party Stronger
If we are serious about eliminating the Ukip threat, we must start engaging properly with their sympathisers.
Nigel Farage Tells BBC Radio Listeners 'Women Are Taking Over Ukip'
Nigel Farage said female candidates would 'dominate' election coverage under this leadership.
MPs Complain About No Jazz Bands or Martini on Subsidised Catering in House of Commons
MPs have complained about entertainment and meals in Parliament.
UK Democracy 'Doomed' if the Young Don't Bother Voting
IBTimes talks to Bite The Ballot and the British Youth Council about the lack of young voters.