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Hare Markets vs Tortoise Legislatures, No Matter What European Summits Decide

It's all somewhat worrying when financial items in much of the world's media refer to "ESM bailout funds" as if the European Stability Mechanism were already well established and operating in Luxembourg. Initially hoped to be up and running by July 2012 after a final draft was agreed by Eurozone leaders in Brussels on 02 February 2012, the ratification process, progressing fairly well up to the Netherland's Queen Beatrix granting Royal Assent on 05 July with formal endorsement on...

President Hollande's First Budget was the Easy One

In an effort to raise over €7 billion, French President François Hollande and his Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault announced in their Budget on Thursday 05 July 2012, measures that included an increase in the tax rate from 50 per cent to 75 per cent for all income over €1 million - about £790,000 at the current exchange rate. The act of a Communist state by American and British standards but not the crucifixion scale that was demanded by the country's hard-Left. The Left Front and the New A...

Renegotiating is NOT an Option Mr Hollande

On Wednesday 27 June 2012, French President François Hollande met German Chancellor Angela Merkel for preliminary talks prior to Thursday's, yet another "crucial", European Union meeting to try to further resolve the crisis in the Eurozone. The political leaders of France and Germany, so recently partners in agreement on the best way forward for the single currency are, effectively, now poles apart in their approach to the crisis and its solution.
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