> Unemployment
London and the West Midlands Driving UK Economic Growth in 2012 - Markit PMI Data
Regional purchasing managers index data shows London's services sector and West Midlands manufacturing as the forces behind the UK economy's positive start to 2012.
Mr Gay World 2012: New Zealand Man Wins Title
The world's biggest gay beauty pageant saw black Africans contesting for the first time, despite facing violent threats from their government.
More Than 100,000 to Be Jobless: Report
The forecast is that unemployment will continue to rise even if the economy begins to grow.
Pope Leads Procession on Good Friday, Focuses on Family [PHOTOS]
Pope Benedict XVI focused on the family as the pontiff presided over a Good Friday candlelit Way of the Cross procession at the Colosseum.
Bosnian War Anniversary: Proud East European Country Rebuilds after being Ravaged by War, Sarajevo Then and Now [SLIDESHOW]
Check out this slideshow that gives you glimpses of the Bosnian War, ravaged country it left behind and the new world the Bosnians are creating
BoE Rate Decision: A Test of Governor's "Maradona Theory"?
Governor Mervyn King and the MPC face growth and inflation dilemma
Eurozone Services Show Recession Symptoms for Economy
Activity slumps below growth mark, but outlook hits 8-month high
Spain: Shares, Bond Fall as Investors Tally Costs of Austerity Drive
Government says Debt levels rise as jobless rate doubles past EU average
Greek Thinktank Predicts 5% Contraction and "Intense" recession in 2012
Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research returns pessimistic outlook and criticises current austerity measures.
Eurozone Unemployment Hits 10.8% - Highest Level Since 1999
More than 17 million unemployed in February, a 1.5 million increase on same month in 2011.
European Manufacturing Slumps as Debt Crisis, Austerity Sap Confidence
Single-currency zone gauge indicates contraction, European shares fall
Eurozone Crisis: Greece May Need a Third Bailout says Greek Prime Minister Papademos
Greece's premier has warned in an Italian newspaper that he cannot exclude the possibility of the country needing a third IMF-eurozone bailout.
Spain's General Strike Highlights Risks of Making Prime Minister Rajoy's 'Very, Very Austere' Budget Work
The recession-hit country is trying to meet strict EU deficit reduction targets and will unveil its deepest government cuts yet, causing unions to strike.
Shop Vacancies on UK High Street at Record High
As consumer confidence dips and austerity bites, the UK's retail industry continues to struggle.
UK February Consumer Confidence Plummets, Expectations Reversed
U.K. consumer confidence dropped in February as shoppers were more worried about their jobs and weak economic growth, according to the latest survey released from the building society Nationwide.
Budget 2012: What Commentators Are Saying
Financial experts, business leaders and media pundits give their view on what chancellor George Osborne should do.
OBR UK Growth Forecasts 'Ignores Competition from Developing Economies'
Office for Budget Responsibility improves outlook for UK economic growth but critics say it is too optimistic in face of increasing global competition.
Prince William Returns From Falklands: Call of Duty or neo-Colonialism?
A look at some of the opinions regarding Prince William’s six-week duty to the Falkland Islands as the 30th anniversary of the war approaches.
Budget 2012: Minimum Wage Frozen For Young Workers
National minimum wage to stay same for young people, while adults will see 11p rise.
UK's 8.4% Unemployment Rate Highest Since 1995
Jobless numbers increase by 28,000 to 17-year high of 2.67 million.
George Osborne's Budget Must Tackle Young Jobless, Says TUC
Unions want chancellor to reverse austerity measures and support investment to end youth unemployment crisis.
Labour: George Osborne has Given £1.6bn Tax Cut to Rich
Chancellor urged to cut tax relief in budget for benefit of squeezed middle.
Nigeria's Goodluck Jonathan Seeks Talks with Boko Haram
Nigerian government pledges to open talks with Islamist terror sect in return for end to violence.
UK Graduates Forced into Low-Skilled Jobs
TUC warns of wasted talent as Office for National Statistics figures reveal one in three graduates forced into lower-skilled jobs
Tesco to Create 20,000 jobs in UK
The new employees will work on fresh produce, meat and bakery counters in stores.
US 2012: Obama Only Winner in Long GOP Fight
Longer Republican primary season goes on, the stronger President Obama will be in the autumn.
UN Report: Facebook Used to Push Drugs to Teenagers
YouTube and Facebook among ways illegal drugs are being sold to young people.
Braille for All! Interesting, Useful, Time Saving [VIDEO]
The introduction of BrailleTouch promises faster text messaging for the blind and an interesting option for the people blessed with vision.
US 2012: Job Market Boost May Spell Disaster for Romney
Barack Obama's chances of winning second term boosted by jobless claimant figures hitting four-year low.
Retail Sales Show 'Staggeringly Strong' Growth of 1.2%
Economists and financial analysts caught out by surprise surge of retail sales figures across UK despite gloomy outlook.