> Unemployment
Does Climate Change Cause Civil War?
A theory that climate change could be a cause in triggering conflict, has been given a new boost after a new scientific study found an unmistakeable link between climate fluctuations and violence.
GCSE Results 2011: All the Latest Advice for Students
GCSE Results 2011: All the Latest Advice for Students
A-Level Results 2011: Brian Cox Effect Attributed to Rise in Maths and Science
The Daily Mail has reported that there has been an 'astonishing' rise in the number of youngsters studying traditional subjects including Maths and Science and a-level and the rise has been put down to Professor Brain Cox's acclaimed science programmes.
Time for Ken Livingstone to Quit Election Race After ‘Hitler’ Jibes
The pressures of trying to reclaim City Hall from London Mayor Boris Johnson clearly have got the better of Labour candidate Ken Livingstone.In a bizarre interview, Livingstone has described the mayoral contest as a straight fight between 'good and evil' and has compared himself to Winston Churchill and Boris Johnson to Adolf Hitler.
Labour Calls for Urgent Action After ‘Worrying’ Jobless Rise
UK unemployment claims increased the most in two years adding pressure on UK Prime Minster David Cameron and Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne to rethink the speed at which they plan public sector cuts.
Pope Benedict XVI Expensive Visit to Madrid Criticised By Angry Protesters
Pope Benedict XVI has received a mitigated welcome in Madrid after protesters took to the streets Wednesday to denounce the cost of a million-strong youth party for Pope Benedict XVI at a time when the country is hit by the economic crisis.
Are Your Work Colleagues Secretly Killing You?
We spend a large proportion of our lives seated at our desks, staring straight ahead at a computer screen, surrounded by co-workers. If that thought leaves you feeling empty you may want to stop reading now, after new research revealed that an unfriendly or actively hostile workplace can significantly reduce your life expectancy.
London Riots: Sheer Criminality -- Signs of Social Breakdown?
London is ablaze and after three days of violence rioters and looters have taken over what started off as a peaceful demonstration outside of Tottenham police station, following the death of Mark Duggan.
Israel: Stock Market Plunges as Protests Continue
The first day of the trading week in the Middle East did prove that the economic crisis, is clearly affecting the region as stock markets in Dubai and Egypt dropped about four per cent, while in Israel the market plunged by seven per cent, which analysts say is a consequence of the downgrade of the debt rating in the U.S.
Obama’s Birthday Celebrations and 'Veterans Plan': The Campaign is on!
Following the President's 50th birthday celebration on Thursday, analysts were surprised to see how the celebrations quickly turned to a campaign rally, with the president even given his supporters a pep talk in Washington D.C.
U.S. Debt Crisis: Is the Worst Truly Behind?
President Barack Obama signed newly passed legislation to boost U.S. borrowing power, helping the nation avert default.
Israel Protests: Has Israel Been Hit by the Arab Spring?
As Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing the strongest wave of protests since he took office, he was forced to announce that members of his government would meet protesters to try and calm public discontent.In the last two weeks, tens of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets to demonstrate against the rising living costs, putting pressure on Netanyahu and asking for reforms.
U.S. Debt Crisis: Key Points of the New Plan Revealed
Barack Obama has announced he has reached an agreement with both Republican and Democratic congressional leaders. Addressing the nation from the White House, the President remained cautious as he warned: "We are not done yet."
Norway killings: A History of Far Right Violence
For the past three years Breivik was writing his manifesto, delivering his account of what Norway should be, feel and look like. Cultural and religious purity seems to have been at the forefront of his thought when he was preparing the deadly attack.
MP's Expenses: Accommodation Claims Fall by 27 Percent
Accommodation claims have fallen by 27 percent during the year after the expenses scandal, new figures reveal, prompting MPs to complain that they are subsidising their costs themselves.
Obama’s Cash Machine Campaign to Trash Republicans' White House Hopes?
Despite criticism and a rise in domestic public discontent, President Barack Obama is proving he's still a force to be reckoned with by raising a record-shattering $86 million for his re-election campaign from April to June, exceeding a $60 million quarterly target and easily eclipsing all Republican challengers.
Should You Use Your Savings to Pay Off the Mortgage?
With interest rates at a historically low level is now the time to use savings to pay off the mortgage.
Sarah Palin and Rick Perry Ready to Challenge Michele Bachmann and Mitt Romney?
Republican Presidential Nomination: Sarah Palin and Rick Perry Ready to Challenge Michele Bachmann and Mitt Romney?
“British workers have no skills and a bad attitude” employers say
Hitting back at the Government's call for firms to take on fewer migrant workers, British bosses today said they would rather employ immigrants than UK workers because they and have a bad attitude for the jobs on offer.
Greek Strikes causes travel delays
The 48-hour strike that started on Tuesday in Greece to protest austerity measures planned by the government has caused disruption to travel throughout the country, particularly Athens, so holidaymakers should monitor information regarding flights, ferries or trains.
Glastonbury 2011: U2 faces 'Tax doge' protest
U2 and its frontman Bono are known for their global poverty-fighting efforts but activists plan to protest their performance Friday at England's Glastonbury festival, accusing the Irish band of dodging taxes.
French credit downgrade feared as global markets shaken further by Greek debt crisis
There is a growing fear in Paris that France is on the verge of a credit downgrade because of its exposure to Greek debt
Graduate Jobs: No El Dorado at the end of the unemployment line
With youth unemployment remaining at near record levels many university students graduating in the coming months will face a slew of challenges unique to their generation.
Will Syria crises lead to an Islamist and authoritarian Turkey?
As Turkey is hitting the headlines for opening up to the large influx of Syrian refugees, fleeing the Assad regime, the country is preparing for parliamentary elections on Sunday June 12, and the Prime Minister's Party the AKP, while being tipped as the hot favourite, still divides opinion. Many see Turkey's attempt to play a more diplomatic role in the Middle-East's new development as a tactic to divert attention from the party's sometimes controversial policies.
The two faces of the Libyan Rebels, which is the real one?
After UN Resolution 1973 was passed, coalition leaders promised "better days ahead for Libya" and pledged to "continue to act to help protect the Libyan people from the brutality of Gaddafi's regime" as well as to " support and stand by them as they seek to take control of their own destiny."
U.K. growth figures cut but "new recession is unlikely" - BCC
British economic growth is likely to be less impressive than previously thought, according to the British Chambers of Commerce, who today published their revised growth projections for this year and the next.
G8 countries pledge £12 billion to Egypt and Tunisia, dangle ceasefire in front of Gaddafi
G8 countries which include leaders from brings together the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, with the leaders of the US, Britain, Germany, Japan, Russia, Canada and Italy have today come up with a pledge of £12bn in aid, loans and debt relief in an attempt to support and enhance pro-democratic regimes in the region. While the full details of the package are yet unknown, the money will come from international financial institutions and members of the G8.Both the leaders of Egypt and Tunisi...
Barack Obama's European trip: What do his detractors have to say?
Following the U.S. President's European trip, critics in the United States have claimed the president is using it as a way to deflect attention from the domestic issues that preoccupy Americans. For several months, Barack Obama's ratings on the economy have plummeted which, given that the 2012 election approaches, cannot be good news for the President.
U.K. Q1 GDP update expected to show no change
The second estimate of first quarter GDP for the United Kingdom is due to be released tomorrow, although little or no change is expected in the 0.5 per cent growth given at the first estimate.
Egypt: Death sentence for policeman keeps Egypt in its past when it should be looking to the future
The first death penalty following the revolution that ousted former president Hosni Mubarak, has been handed down as a police officer found guilty of killing protesters was sentenced to death.