US folk singer James Twyman hopes to spread peace message to Isis terrorists with concert

A folk singer in Oregon is ignoring warnings and plans to risk his life to perform a peace concert in Isis-controlled territory in Syria.

The State Department has warned James Twyman – "Peace Troubadour" – he will be endangering his life by travelling to war-torn country but he says he is determined to anyway.
It's going to be pretty powerful," Twyman told Fox news in an interview. The Christian folk singer plans to enter Syria via the Israeli village, Majdal Shams and then travel to Isis-controlled territory.
He then wants to give a concert of various Christian and Islamic prayers set to music. The Islamic State has banned most forms of music as sinful under its interpretation of sharia law.
"When people come together and focus on something in a positive way ... there's scientific evidence that it can change things for the better," he said. "I'm no sort of hero, but I do believe in the power of this," he added.
Twyman claims he will be joined by a group of Jewish, Muslim and Christian religious leaders who will lead the faithful from their respective religions in prayer.
The US State Department is warning against travel to all parts of Syria. "There is a terrorist threat from violent extremist groups including the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, (ISIL), formerly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQ), the al-Nusrah Front, and others," the travel advisory reads.
"US citizens have been specifically targeted for kidnapping, both for ransom and political purposes, and murdered by members of terrorist and violent extremist groups in Syria. US citizens have disappeared within Syria."
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