US killer Jared Lee Loughner sues ex-congresswoman victim Gabby Giffords for $25m for emotional distress
An Arizona man serving a life sentence for a mass shooting that killed six people in a Phoenix shopping mall is apparently suing a former congresswoman who suffered a serious head injury in the attack for $25m (£18m) for "emotional distress."
In a testament to Jared Lee Loughner's mental instability, the lawsuit claims that one-time Arizona representative Gabby Giffords, 45, is a member of the illuminati responsible for filling his head with electronic chips. "The evil empire government is controlling me," states the two-page lawsuit filed in the US District Court in Phoenix.
The suit also claims Giffords played a role in the recent standoff at a wildlife refuge in Oregon, sprayed chemtrails into the sky that are making Loughner delusional, and financed the 2015 terrorist shooting in San Bernardino, California, reports the Arizona Daily Star. It also claims Giffords was never shot and learned to act the part by watching Ronald Reagan movies.
But there's some question if the suit is legitimate. The lawsuit was sent to Phoenix in an envelope with a return address from Loughner's cell in Minnesota, where he's serving seven consecutive life sentences. The envelope, however, was postmarked from Philadelphia, the same city from which a hoax lawsuit was recently filed on behalf of former Uber driver Jason Brian Dalton, who has been charged with killing six people in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Handwriting linked to both suits appears to be similar, notes the Tucson News.
Loughner, 27, could not be immediately reached for comment and Giffords' staff is attempting to determine if the suit is legitimate. Giffords, who appeared to be Loughner's main target in his attack, resigned her position after she was critically wounded in 2011.
Twelve other people were also injured. Goffords has since become a tireless advocate of strict gun control though often has difficulty communicating because of her injury.
Critics of current gun laws questioned how Loughner, who had a long history of troubling, bizarre behavior and apparent mental illness, was allowed to purchase the 9mm Glock at a sportsman's store in Tucson that he used to shoot 19 people.
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