Video of domestic help abusing pet husky while owners are away goes viral
Animal welfare authorities have launched investigations into the incident that took place in Singapore.

In a cruel incident caught on camera, a domestic help in Singapore is seen abusing her employers' pet husky while the animal can be heard yelping.
Yeow Min Quan, a concerned neighbour, recorded the incident and posted it on his Facebook account. He wrote that he had been hearing what sounded like the moans and yelps of a dog for almost a week.
Quan said he discovered that the source the noises came from was his neighbour's dog that was being abused, Mothership website reported.
In the 23-second video taken by Quan, the domestic help could be seen manhandling the dog as it lies on the ground quietly. She even hits the animal on the head with a metal feeding bowl.
The husky has some sort of dressing on his leg and it appears too feeble to stand on its own. The dog does not even retaliate after being beaten.
Quan believed that the owners of the house might have been away when the incident took place, the website reported.
Reports about the incident were made to the relevant authorities and Quan said he had spoken to the domestic help involved. Quan said he was "solving the issue", and did not to reveal the place of the incident.
The owners of the animal are said to be back in town and are aware of the situation. According to Quan, they are currently "handling it" and have requested Quan to take the post down. But someone else has re-uploaded the video on YouTube.
The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) and the Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) have launched investigations into the case of animal abuse.
"We will take the necessary enforcement action against anyone who has committed an act of animal cruelty and will not hesitate to press for a deterrent sentence, if warranted," the AVA said in a statement, according to Coconuts Singapore website.
Individuals found guilty of animal abuse could face a fine of up to 15,000 Singapore dollars (£8332.80) and 18 months in jail for their first offence.